Find out with this Very Special Offer: £30 for 2 Personal Reports for your Astrology 2019
Want to know the key dates to watch out for in 2019?
It’s a far better cosmic picture than the last 2 years, there are some big astrological opportunities this year. Want divine guidance on when they happen, and what they mean for you?
The astrology of 2019 is an important year as the nodal axis changed sign in 2018 into Cancer North Node and Capricorn South Node. We need to release the control issues of Capricorn and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable as indicated by the North Node in Cancer. Control results in power struggles and fights. Steven Forrest writes:-
“The remedy for Capricorn South Node is gentleness, self-nurture and an acceptance of human frailty to heal control issues, repressed depression and stoic long-suffering.”
The nodal axis connects us to the eclipses which are a wild card in astrology. As the south node in Aquarius was connected with Mars retrograde in 2018 it has been difficult to move ahead in leadership, business and affected many relationships.
Venus -planet of love and money enters Sagittarius on 7th January and will be moving forward all year.
Mars -the planet of courage and the Warrior energises 8 signs, from Aries to Scorpio. This is a relief as Mars went retrograde in 2018 in Aquarius and was tied up with eclipses.
Jupiter -the planet of Great Good Fortune remains in its home sign of Sagittarius until 2nd December. This is a feel good factor, especially for all 3 fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Saturn continues through mid to late degrees of Capricorn. In 2020 it will join Pluto, a major event for the world.
Uranus changes sign into Taurus for the next 7 years on 6th March. Neptune remains in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. All three go retrograde every year and can indicate life changing events if they activate a natal planet in your chart.
Your 2 Personal Astrology Reports for 2019
The 2 Personal Astrology 2019 Reports are worth £45 if bought separately. These reports are based on your date, time and place of birth.
NB. They are both calculated for the same person.
1st Report: SkyLog by Steven Forrest
The first report called ‘Sky Log‘ gives you over 80 pages of in-depth predictions for the coming year. This report is based on your transits and secondary progressions. The author Steven Forrest, has a great style and explains clearly and poetically – with no jargon – what the planetary transits signify for you.
“The future isn’t crystallized. It’s a wavering, quivering web of possibilities. How will they manifest? Much depends upon how you wield the magical wild card we call your freedom.
The planets offer advice. In a sense, they recommend certain choices over others. They seem biased toward your evolution. They often suggest that you take the less familiar path, the one that moves you into richer fields of your own potentiality.”
This report is based on your transits and secondary progressions for the year ahead. There are two parts to the report:-
THE INVITATION: First, the big questions. In the part of the report called THE INVITATION, he gives you that “mountain-top” perspective that enables you to make sense of the details. Steven speaks in normal english- no jargon – and gives a real depth of understanding to the major planets affecting you in the year ahead.
THE MEANS: He turns your attention to some secondary factors and offers suggestions, help, and support in responding to those big questions.
This amazing 80 plus page report is easy to understand and very detailed.
2nd Report: Reference Diary by Stephanie Johnson
The second report written by Stephanie Johnson is approx. 20 pages and includes a full colour birth chart and easy bar graph reference for the year. The entries are sorted by the exact date on which each event occurs, with the planets involved. She writes:-
“The astrological system of Transits is offering us much the same information as a weather forecast. It is giving us an indication of the emotional and intellectual weather of our lives. It is up to us to decide our own destiny.”
Do you want to know the key dates to watch out for in 2019?
Find out what the planetary movements mean for you!
Invest in Your Future. Buy your 2 reports for just £30 (saving £15!)
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