Free Webinar: Venus Reborn- Reclaiming Feminine Power

venus in leo
Venus in Leo connects us to the Strength card in the tarot

Last year Venus started a whole new Shamanic Cycle in the sign of Leo.

Venus in Leo and the Goddess BastThis is the archetype of the Queen, and we are now seeing it come into prominence.

Venus represents our passion, our beauty, what we love and value. Venus in our birth chart shows how much we value ourselves and therefore how much money we earn.

What do you feel you are worth?

Venus now returns to the sign of Leo, and just as it changed sign on July 12th we saw Theresa May (a Libran, so ruled by Venus) elected to become the Uk’s Prime Mininster.

However for over 2 months Venus has been invisible in the sky. (From April 30th to July 13th) This is symbolic of being in the ‘Underworld’.

If you are strongly influenced by Venus-ie. you have planets in Taurus or Libra, then you too may have felt invisible.

  • Have you felt isolated?
  • Misunderstood?
  • Lacking sufficient connection with others?
  • Distant from friends and family?

Then you are sensitive to the energy of Venus.

Venus joined the Sun on June 6th, an initiation in the sign of Gemini.

Now Venus rises as the Evening Star in Leo.

Venus is now empowered and rises higher in the sky and gains in strength each month marked by her joining in the night sky with the Moon.

This signals the rise of feminine power and leadership for the rest of 2016.

Venus Webinar July 28th 2016Venus Reborn in Leo: Reclaiming Your Feminine Power

Join my webinar to find out more and discover:-

  • Feminine Power and the Venus Shamanic Cycle.
  • The 5 Goddess Overtones and their Archetypes- Which one is yours?
  • Your Inner Feminine and Your Feminine Dharma- your purpose in the world.
  • The Sumerian myth of Inanna Queen of Heaven and her Shadow.
  • Venus as an Evening Star.
  • Key dates for Rituals when Venus joins the Moon- The Gates of Initiation and the 7 Chakras.

Now its time to shine, to show your talents to the world! Time to wholly embrace your creativity and your Queen Archetype.

So my question is- What’s holding you back?

I will holding a webinar on this Venus cycle with new content ‘Venus Reborn: Reclaiming Feminine Power’ on July 28th at 8pm BST. I’d love to see you there!

Register for the FREE Venus Webinar on July 28th


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This is a wonderful report to give to yourself, or as a present.

This is an intimate tour of your natal chart that clearly shows you the full range of talents and resources you possess and may not be full aware of.

The roles that women are asked to play have changed and are continually evolving. Today, a woman is often expected to carry out the tasks of a career person, a wife, mother, community leader and more – all simultaneously.

Practicing astrologer and author Gloria Star is the writer of this exceptional Just for Women astrology report. She has used her years of counseling experience to help create a report that interprets a chart from the perspective of a woman living within an ever-changing, ever more demanding world.

Find out More>