Do You Want To Shift Deep Karmic Patterns and Embrace Your Creativity and Abundance?
This unique weekend workshop Healing Your Birth Story Creating Abundance connects you to your Soul Purpose as shown in your astrological birth chart.
It’s designed for a small group of 8, for individual process and healing.
DATE Sept 3/4 2016 in West London
We all have a soul promise- we chose to be here at this time of transition in the world. We promised to hold the light, to lead the way.
The focus on this weekend is to assist you in removing the unconscious blocks that prevent you from living a life of abundance and success in all areas of your life – love, family, relationships, money.
This Workshop is for you if you’re facing:-
- Relationship challenges
- Emotional swings
- Self-destructiveness
- Blocked creativity
- A lack of joy
Designed for a small group of up to 8 people, it’s ideal if you want to make a major shift in your life.

We’ll be working with the planetary energy of the Venus Moon conjunction on September 3rd at 12.28pm BST. It opens the 2nd Gate of Creativity and Abundance in the sign of Libra, Venus’s own sign.
Plus they are poised next to Jupiter, the planet of Great Good Fortune.
That evening these 3 planets will be visible after sunset-a glorious and beautiful omen. It’s a great time to wish upon a star!
Abundance is connected to our creativity, our second chakra. When we’re in the flow abundance comes to us naturally. It’s our birthright.
However for so many of us we’ve had times in our lives when we lost trust in The Universe and our belief that we could have it all.
We stopped believing we could be successful and abundant.
This workshop will help you with identifying the places where you lost trust and your heart got broken. When you heal the unfinished business of the past, you can fully embrace your soul’s purpose to be happy and abundant.
- Are you in sacrifice and find it easy to give, but difficult to receive?
- Are you stuck and want to reconnect with your vision and creativity?
- Would you like to clear the blocks to greater success and achieve so much more?
Saturn and the Blocks to Abundance

Up until the age of 7 we are more connected to our mother. The Moon sign in our birth chart describes how we feel, how we experience our mother, our emotions and habits.
Then we slowly begin to grow into our Sun sign, our identity, leadership gifts and consciousness. We are more aware of our father and what he does in the world. The Sun in our birth chart shows us how we shine, our creativity and confidence.
In healing numerology 7 is the number of spiritual wisdom. 8 is the number of abundance. Its cherry blossom time. Any trauma at age 8 can block our ability to receive abundance.
This is emphasised astrologically as Saturn -the planet of Karma- makes its first challenging square- a 90 degree angle to itself- around the age of 7-8 years old.
Looking at the Solar Return chart (a transit chart) on your 8th birthday can tell a story about how you felt at that age. For many of us it shows how we may be experiencing some heavy duty outer planets making tough aspects to the Sun and Moon in our charts. Our parents could have been facing a tough time, and we would have absorbed this into the subconscious.
On this workshop Pam can help you identify and heal your unconscious patterns that are holding you back from success and happiness.
What happens on the Workshop
Your Astrological wheel is mapped out in the floor with beautiful images. Over the weekend each person works with their personal birth chart and is involved with each of the other participants.
Using astrology cards, people are chosen intuitively to represent your planets, the archetypes of your Cosmic Wheel.
- The Sun is Spirit and shows where you shine, your creativity, strengths and how you experienced your father.
- The Moon represents your soul, and shows your feelings, your relationships and how you experienced your mother.
- Saturn is the planet that shows the resistance and what blocks you need to overcome in this lifetime. (The Karmic Insight report will help you understand this.)
- The 12th house is the area of the unconscious, the womb, and shows karmic patterns.
Your Process: Initiation and Embracing your Soul Gifts

Then, using a combination of cards by Chuck Spezzano you’ll identify the story that is holding you back in your life right now. Then with Pam’s guidance, you’ll heal this story and embrace the soul gifts that can transform your life.
As each person is involved with everyone’s process, the synchroncities and connections that take place over the weekend are quite magical.
You’ll be participating in your personal and group rituals and tuning into your body. The workshop space is sacred and as we gather as a group we empower each other. The healing rituals are kinesthetic, so as you participate and move, you can change your timeline.
Pam works intuitively and will facilitate group processes and meditations to help you to create abundance on your life. They will include:-
- Learning the significance of numbers and your age when you lost trust.
- Intuitive Chakra Scan to tune into what blocks the 2nd Chakra- the key to creativity and abundance.
- Aura-Soma Colour: Healing Your Timeline
- Letting Go Process
- Invoking Miracle Mindedness and making your wish list.
You then enter the Sacred Circle of your chart. You are connecting with a sacred moment in time – your birth.
Pam’s healing workshops are timed to work with the key portals of the year
On key days in the year we have a surge of energy from the planets to heal at a deep level with the power of Grace and step through a gateway in the mind to a higher consciousness. This workshop is timed to coincide with such a time.
The Solar Eclipse on September 1st is a reboot of energy
The Virgo Solar Eclipse on September 1st opposes Neptune in Pisces. It also squares Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius. Jupiter in Virgo is joined by Mercury retrograde and opposes the archetype of The Wounded Healer Chiron in Pisces.
For both Neptune and Chiron to be activated at an eclipse is rare. This T square pattern is extremely potent. It urges us to change.
It focuses us on grace and redemption, on forgiveness and healing sacrifice patterns and negative beliefs. This is an opportunity for healing at a deep level with the power of Grace and Miracles.
With that intention in mind, I invite you to join me on this workshop.
Date and Time: September 3/4 2016
10.15am for 10.30am start Saturday until 6.00pm. Sunday 10.00am -6pm.
Pam provides teas and real coffee. This workshop is now over.
Your Trainer Pam Carruthers
The workshop is a unique synergy of the healing spiritual tools that Pam has worked with for the last 22 years. An experienced trainer and one of a select group personally trained by Chuck and Lency Spezzano, she blends astrology and her knowledge of colour, chakras and archetypes with the healing spiritual principles from Psychology of Vision which is based on A Course in Miracles.
Pam has been facilitating this workshop for over 15 years since 4th November 2001.
London Venue
Grove Neighbourhood Centre, 7 Bradmore Park Road, Hammersmith, London W6 0DT. FREE PARKING. See for map.
This is a quiet, village like area with the bustle of Hammersmith a short walk away. It has plenty of places to have a great lunch. Nearest tube is Hammersmith.
Places to stay: The Adria Hotel is very close but is on a busy road, so can be noisy. It’s at 44 Glenthorne Road, Hammersmith. There are many hotels in Hammersmith. I have stayed at The Holiday Inn in King Street, see I would avoid staying in Shepherds Bush. Also look for b&b in nearby Ravenscourt Park, Turnham Green, Barnes, or Richmond.
Also look at the website which offers many reasonably priced rooms to stay in London.
“I have worked with Pam for a couple of years now and have attended many of her workshops.
Pam’s clever use of combining Aura -Soma, astrological insight and the powerful model of Psychology of Vision makes for healing so profound that it’s hard to put into words. The gift of being in a space with like minded souls who all come together at the same time to create change is so powerful and unique. Every process that takes place touches your heart and soul. My own process took me on a journey of reconnecting to God and magical things have been happening since.
Pam is an excellent facilitator, gracious with her knowledge and insight and always works intuitively and sensitively to support each and every person in her space.
If you’ve been drawn to Pam’s workshops but have been resisting for whatever reason, then I urge you to listen to your soul’s calling and reclaim your Innocence and True Self. Because you’re worth it. Sharon”
“I attended Pam’s workshop very unsure as to what to expect as I had never explored any aspect of astrology. Throughout the weekend I was consistently surprised and delighted with the content and the facilitation. It was enormous fun, profoundly deep and rich and rewarding.
As a workshop facilitator myself I really valued Pam’s light touch which comes from inner authority and a wealth of experience. I have heartily recommended this course to anyone.”Andrew Wallas
“The weekend was fun, enlightening, expanding, uplifting and yet grounded and very practical. I could not recommend it more highly. Pam is talented, knowledgeable, honest and fun. If you don’t want to do it yourself (and you really would be missing out) then gift it to somebody you love.” Pete
“I just wanted to say a big thank you for an excellent weekend. It was a lovely group and very fascinating. I learnt a lot and it was extremely useful. The whole process has given me more confidence to follow my heart.” Stevi S
“I am feeling really peaceful and happy today so I wanted to thank you for this weekend. I felt really touched by your generosity and everyone’s stories and trust in the group. You made me realise that I have gifts which I need to treasure and that a lot of them come from my mother whom I now feel a more positive connection with. Thank you for leading the workshop with such grace, humour and insight. You truly are an inspiration. “ Nadege
“The birth pattern is the soul pattern –the signature of the soul through time.
Shifting it is really crucial”
Chuck Spezzano Psychology of Vision
More testimonials from past participants on Pam’s workshops>
blessings, Pam