Want to know the Key Astrology Dates 2022 to help you plan ahead?
Sign up and receive the FREE Report of the Good and ‘Bad’ Days for 2022. ‘Bad’ means that the planets are not in a good relationship for launching anything new. It’s as if you want to set sail but the tide is out!
The most important days in the entire year to avoid launching any new projects are the days of the Solar and Lunar eclipses and the days when Mercury goes Retrograde.
The Karmic Axis
Eclipses are major turning points in the year. In astrology they are indicated by the nodes of the Moon. The Lunar nodes aren’t planets. Eclipses happen when there is an alignment with the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. When these are aligned eclipses occur, which happen twice a year.
The Moon’s Nodes form an axis in astrology, which in our birth chart is said to represent one’s destiny or spiritual quest in life. The North Node points to a key lesson in our lives. It represents new experiences towards which we must aim during this life. We have already learnt the skills of its opposite point, the South Node, in the past. Now we must grow and stretch ourselves through the North Node.
In the birth chart this polarity indicates your past life (south node) and destiny (north node). This is known as the Karmic Axis. So the people born in that time span are our Soul group. In approx. 19 years the cycle repeats, so people born 19 years apart from us share the same lunar node sign, and are also aligned to our Soul group.
Eclipses 2022 are times for a major reboot
In 2022 the transiting north node is in Taurus, the south node is in Scorpio. The theme will be letting go of grievances (Scorpio) and moving toward a healthy relationship with the earth and all its beauty (Taurus).
To sum up, eclipses are powerful new or full moons. Ideal for rituals and meditation but not good for parties, weddings, or any celebrations. These are:-
- 30th April Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus
- 16th May Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
- 25th October Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
- 8th November Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Sign me up for the Free Report Key Astrology Dates 2022 The Good days and Bad days
Following the lunar cycle is deeply rewarding
The lunar cycle each month is important as the Moon waxes and wanes governing the tides and our emotions.
Every year on your birthday you will discover that the Moon is in a different sign that it was at your birth. You can see at a glance by looking at the Key Dates Report. See if your birthday in 2022 is closest to a New or Full Moon. A New Moon represents a whole new beginning for you in the year ahead. The full Moon brings you into the public eye.
New Moons are quiet times
Its never a good time to do a major launch on a New Moon if you want to connect with the public. The reason being is that moon disappears from view for 3 days. Best to wait until 2 days after. The New Moon are times to lay low and are ideal times for meditation and watching your dreams and planning your month ahead. This FREE Key Astrology Dates 2022 report tells you those dates.
Full Moons are times to celebrate
The waxing moon culminating at the Full Moons are ideal times to launch a website, open a business, or having a celebration and planning a party. Each Full Moon activates two archetypes that are in opposition. They are ideal times to integrate these archetypes.
Sometimes it’s not easy to find the correct dates in advance
Sign up and you’ll receive the FREE Report Key Astrology Dates 2022, which includes the Mercury Retrograde dates in 2022.
Plus you’ll receive a bi-monthly newsletter for the New and Full Moons in detail with the exact times and themes.
Sign me up for the Free Report Key Astrology Dates 2022 The Good days and Bad days