Mars stays in Libra for 8 months
Mars entered Libra on 7th December 2013 where it stays for 8 months because it goes retrograde on March 1st. It goes direct on May 20th, then finally leaves Libra on July 18th.
Mars is the God of War, however Mars in Libra is weak. That creates a big problem, as weakness can result in bullying.
You may have been feeling the effects in April as the Sun in Aries activated Mars from around the January Full Moon as it joined in the formation known as the Grand Cardinal Cross.
If you’ve been caught in anger, irritability or a power struggle with someone or an organisation, OR you’ve been attacked verbally in the last week, then you understand what I am describing.
This Grand Cardinal Cross reaches a peak on April 22nd for about 3 days.
To ride the wave, rather than be overwhelmed by this intense Cosmic energy, I have prepared this video to help you become aware, and to heal, what Mars in Libra signifies.
On this fully illustrated presentation you will:-
- Discover what Mars retrograde in Libra means for you
- Learn from history when this last occurred
- Some famous people with Mars in Libra-Peacemaker or Passive Aggressive?
- Dynamics of Power Struggle in the Psychology of Vision model
- Guided Meditation to heal the Power Struggle
If you enjoy watching this, then subscribe to my newsletter as I run regular webinars where you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions.
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