Full Moon in Cancer
The Full Moon is on Monday January 13th at 22.26 GMT in London UK at 23 degrees Cancer. It is close to Mars, now retrograde in Cancer.
Neptune is involved with a flowing aspect to the Moon offering compassion and connection to dreamtime. Look up into the evening sky and see the Full Moon with Jupiter nearby! Its a glorious sight.
As the Full Moon is also connected in a favourable way to Uranus, genius and invention is the important theme of this emotional Full Moon.
The chart forms a Cosmic Rectangle with the Nodes of the Moon and the opposition of the Moon and Mars with the Sun and Pluto. The theme is still letting go of the past as it was at the New Moon on December 30th, especially as the mean South Node is still in Libra, the sign of relationships ruled by Venus. (The nodes of the Moon can be calculated in two ways, I use the Mean Node which changes sign into Pisces and Virgo on January 29th on the day of the New Moon.)
The Moon is in its own sign of Cancer, with the Sun in the opposite sign of Capricorn. These are the Mother Father Archetypes, which reside in all of us. In a personal birth chart these archetypes naturally belong to our 4th house roots -our home – opposite the 10th house which represents our career and vocation- our status and what we do in the world.
However the New Year really begins with the next New Moon on January 29th in the sign of Aquarius.
Wolf Full Moon in Cancer. Wolf: Teacher, Pathfinder, Moon-dog of my Soul

This Wolf Moon is the Teacher and Pathfinder- What’s your Vision for Leading the Way?
I reviewed the January Full Moon in many years before, and I felt it was important to remind you to tune into one of its names – The Wolf Moon.
The wolf is the Teacher, which is Jupiter in astrology. Jupiter is currently travelling through Gemini– the sign of Mercury which is in Capricorn at this Full Moon- ruled by Saturn. Jupiter moves direct on February 5th. The messages we receive in meditation or our dreams at this Full Moon are to be highly valued. Keep a journal for your dreams and write down your Wish List for the year.
Wolf Full Moon in Cancer
I am quoting at length from the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams because I believe this is an important message to hear at this time. I bought the Medicine Cards in Vancouver way back in June 1997 and they are part of my Soul Journey:-
“Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan to teach and share medicine.
Wolf takes one mate for life and is loyal like Dog In the Great Star Nation, Wolf is represented by the Dog Star, Sirius, which legend tells us was the original home of our teachers in ancient times.
Sirius was thought to be the home of the gods by the ancient Egyptians, and is still considered so by the Dogon tribe in Africa. It stands to reason that Native American peoples would formulate this same connection and adopt Wolf people as the clan of teachers.
The senses of Wolf are very keen, and the moon is its power ally.
The moon is the symbol for psychic energy, or the unconscious that holds the secrets of knowledge and wisdom.
Baying at the moon may be an indication of Wolf’s desire to connect with new ideas which are just below the surface of consciousness.
Wolf medicine empowers the teacher within us all to come forth and aid the children of Earth in understanding the Great Mystery and life.
The Wolf says that you may be able to share your personal medicine with others.
Your intuitive side may also have an answer or teaching for your personal use at this time. As you feel Wolf coming alive within you, you may wish to share your knowledge by writing or lecturing on information that will help others better understand their uniqueness or path in life.
It is in the sharing of great truths that the consciousness of humanity will attain new heights.
Wolf could also be telling you to seek out lonely places that will allow you to see your teacher within. In the aloneness of a power place, devoid of other humans, you may find the true you. Look for teachings no matter where you are. Wolf would not come to you unless you requested the appearance of the tribe’s greatest teacher.
To live is to grow, and growing comes through accepting all life forms as your teachers. Become Wolf, and take up the sense of adventure. You may just stop howling and learn to [become] the moon.”
Saturn in Pisces squared by Jupiter in Gemini
Saturn says that our vision for the future needs to be brought down to earth. Saturn always gets a bad press as we feel its effects more directly than the outer planets. Saturn’s orbit is approx 28 years so every 7 years it will form a relationship-a challenging aspect to itself. Hence the ages 7, 14 21 and 28 are key times in our lives as we are learning lessons that develop into maturity.
Mercury in Capricorn
Mercury is now direct and strong in the earth sign of Capricorn ruled by Saturn. After the 2 long months while retrograde in Sagittarius this comes as a welcome relief. Practicality and responsibility rules communication so plans can be put into action. Write down what you want to manifest.
Venus in Pisces
Venus is now exalted in Pisces and visible after sunset as an Evening Star. It is moving toward Saturn on January 19th at 16 degrees Pisces which can emphasizes long-term commitments and devotion in love. It suggests relationships that are enduring and built on trust, respect, and shared values. What do you love?
Mars opposite Pluto
This is the fight for survival, intense and powerful as Pluto buries what it touches so issues with anger that can be supressed. Now Mars is weak in the emotional sign of Cancer this is not an easy Full moon, as heightened emotions can overwhelm us.
- January 3rd Venus changed sign into Pisces where it is exalted.
- Mars in Cancer on January 6th
- Mercury moved into Capricorn on January 8th then will move into Aquarius on January 28th
- January 15th Full Moon in Cancer at 23 degrees at 22.26 GMT.
- January 29th New Moon in Aquarius
- Saturn is now direct in Pisces
- Uranus remains retrograde in Taurus
- Neptune is now direct in Pisces
- Pluto is now in Aquarius for the long haul.
Please watch my YouTube video above as I explain more fully about this Full Moon in Cancer.
In need of personal emotional and spiritual support?
If you have any planet around 23 degrees then this Full Moon in Cancer will be activating it. I can support and guide you through these troubling times.
This is also an ideal time for a consultation. See this page for more information
FIRE SIGNS Chiron in Aries
Chiron is the only planet in a fire sign. It is now direct in Aries and forms a challenging square aspect to the Moon in Cancer. Time for healing any issues of being the pioneer. Apart from the Moon, Venus will be the first planet to enter a fire sign on February 4th so this is a difficult time as the element of fire gives us energy and Mars the fire planet is weak in Cancer.
EARTH SIGNS Mercury and the Sun in Capricorn
Uranus is the only outer planet in an earth signs. Change is what Uranus needs. Work with it. Make some practical changes in your life. Clear out those cupboards! Pluto moved into the air sign of Aquarius on November 19th.
Mars moves into Cancer and Saturn is in Pisces.
Neptune The Dreamer is now direct at 27 degrees of Pisces. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. We now have an opportunity to bring our dreams into manifestation. Trust your intuition. One key word for Neptune is compassion.
However watch out for scams! It can also indicate illusion, deceit, scandal, loss, drowning, a feeling of being overwhelmed and lost. If you’ve been feeling exhausted, depressed, over-burdened and with little energy then I recommend taking time out and being kind to yourself. Bach Flower remedies such as Elm, Sweet Chestnut and Oak may be helpful. Also for shock Rock Rose or Rescue Remedy.
AIR SIGNS Jupiter and Pluto
Jupiter the greater benefic is now in Gemini. Look where that is in your birth chart.
Jupiter is the planet of faith, faith in life, that life is worth living. It takes 12 years to go around the zodiac, so look back 12 years to understand its influence in your chart. It is the biggest planet in our solar system and Jupiter is Zeus, King of the Gods. It brings good luck, expansiveness and the feel good factor.
Pluto is now direct. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. It has now ended its journey in the earth sign of Capricorn. Pluto becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38. It moved into Aquarius in 2024 from January 21st until September 2nd 2024 when it retrograded back in Capricorn. However now it is firmly in Aquarius so will be a major transit.
Testimonial from a client
“ I just wanted to thank you for such an inspiring consultation. Your depth of knowledge in vedic astrology and beautifully intuitive sense helped me to understand and ‘organise’ thoughts about the puzzle of my life which, of late, I have been struggling to find the right pieces for! I felt uplifted and encouraged after the consultation and very appreciative of the time you took to unravel part of the kaleidoscope. Thank you, thank you, thank you”. Samantha M
2025 is the most Amazing Year of Change and New Beginnings!
Special Offer: Your 3 Personal Astrology Reports for 2025
Pluto is now in Aquarius all year. However Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus will all- briefly- change sign. What is so rare is that the Ares point is activated by both Saturn and Neptune. Plus Jupiter moves into another cardinal sign of Cancer as does Mars moving into Libra.
Cardinal signs are connected to the 4 seasons of the year, the turning points.
The New Moon on December 30th is in Capricorn, the first quarter Moon on January 6th is in Aries, followed by the Full Moon in Cancer on January 13th. So this is a significant month to start something new. The only problem is that Mars is retrograde. However it moves back into the cardinal sign of Cancer on January 6th. Plus Venus moves into Pisces on January 3rd where it is exalted.
Find out more what that means for you with this Special Offer based on your personal birth chart.
The 3 Personal Astrology 2025 Reports are worth £55 if bought separately. These reports are based on your date, time and place of birth. They will be calculated from the 1st of the month 2025 for one year
NB. They are both calculated for the same person.
If you don’t know your birth time then you need to buy the Uncertain Birth Time consultation.Special Offer 3 Reports for 2025 find out more Click here>
A Personal note
I am now open for consultations. The Year Ahead consultation is a focus on the month by month cycle in your life. Also the Past Life Consultation is popular and is now on as a Special Offer.
Soul Astrology Past Life Consultation
A Soul Astrology Past Life Consultation Pam focuses on the birth chart in relationship to the Moon and the karmic axis. Chiron, the archetype of the Wounded Healer along with Saturn are two key planets to understand in the birth chart. An Ancestral Problem may be passed down along with a Past Life issue. A healing exercise is included using Chuck Spezzano’s Enlightenment cards.
“Key Concept: Problems passed down through several generations
An ancestral problem is a pattern which has been passed down through one or both sides of the family. An ancestral problem or family pattern can be one of the most significant issues creating trouble in someone’s life
Find out more and book your Past Life Consultation Consultation