Connecting with Goddess Energy in a Magical Setting
The focus of this One day Healing Your Heart Workshop is to help you clear up the unfinished business of the past, so you can fully embrace your soul’s purpose to be happy.
VENUE: Sedgwick Park, Horsham, Saturday August 12th 2017
Summer is a time for celebration. A time to feel the joy. A time to receive the miracles that Heaven wants to bring you.
Recharge your batteries, open and heal your heart and connect with your Muse on an inspirational day in the most idyllic venue.
The inspiration for this workshop comes from Marianne Williamson- acclaimed A Course in Miracles teacher, international speaker and prolific author. When I read these words I felt goosebumps all over. She writes:-
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.
The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.
Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.
Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.
We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what’s wrong in your life, or you can focus on what’s right.
We are not held back by the love we didn’t receive in the past, but by the love we’re not extending in the present.
Maturity includes the recognition that no one is going to see anything in us that we don’t see in ourselves.
Stop waiting for a producer. Produce yourself.
If I choose to bless another person, I will always end up feeling more blessed.
The goal of spiritual practice is full recovery, and the only thing you need to recover from is a fractured sense of self.
The last workshop at this venue was described by participants as ‘magical’, and the atmosphere of Sedgwick Park as ‘homely’. By the evening people didn’t want to leave!
How are you feeling right now?
- Are you stuck? Feel you can’t move forward however hard you try?
- Is your relationship, or career, just treading water?
- Are you feeling like giving up? Disheartened? Burnt out and exhausted?
- Caught up in busyness? Feel like a fraud or failure?
- Are you sabotaging yourself?
These are all signs that you are caught in the ‘dead zone’. This is a stage we all go through many times on our spiritual journey.
The temptation is to give everything up, throw in the job, ditch the relationship, move house.
However the problem remains, and will resurface after a short period of time because its not an external problem but an inner one.
The underlying principle is that there’s a fear of the next step which is a birth into co-creativity and a whole new level of partnership, success, joy and happiness.
The Workshop focus-
On this magical day you’ll be participating in group rituals connected to the 4 elements and the Goddess energy of this stunningly beautiful venue.
The rituals are kinesthetic, so as you participate and move, you change your timeline. Pam works intuitively and will facilitate group processes and meditations to help you to reconnect with your vision and divine inspiration. They will include:-
- AIR: Choose a process card to see what’s holding you back from success, and the positive card that is your gift.
- WATER: Explore the significance of your age when you lost confidence and faith in yourself.
- AIR and EARTH: Aura-Soma Colour: Healing Your Timeline
- EARTH: Walking the Labyrinth- Set your intention and open up to receiving guidance.
- FIRE and WATER: Letting Go Fire Ritual and Connecting with the Goddess energy of the oval pool.

Pam’s workshops are timed to work with the key portals of the year
On key days in the year we have a surge of energy from the planets to heal at a deep level with the power of Grace and step through a gateway in the mind to a higher consciousness. This workshop is timed to coincide with such a time. The focus will be on the heart centered creative energy of:-
- Venus in Cancer. This is the time of year when Venus passes through Cancer- the sign ruled by The Moon. It makes a trine- a flow of energy- to Neptune in Pisces. We will create a ritual letting go process by the oval pool ritual as Venus sets in the west at the end of the day.
- Moon in Aries. This is a time to embrace the energy of the Goddess Artemis- the Warrioress and Pioneer.
- The Sun and Mars in the royal sign of Leo emphasises the archetype of the Queen. Leo rules the heart. This is a time for heart-centred female leadership. They form a mandala, a Grand Fire Trine connecting with Saturn (manifesting) and Uranus (time for radical change.)
- Jupiter-the planet of joy and abundance, is in Libra endorsing harmony and balance in our lives and in our relationships.
- Chiron The Rainbow Bridge between Heaven and Earth. As Chiron travels through Pisces we are healing deep soul memories, both personally and collectively. Chiron is the Rainbow Bridge-the archetype of the Wounded Healer, which once healed becomes the Shaman, the True Healer. Pisces is governed by Neptune and the crown chakra – our path to enlightenment.
The Venue and Info

Sedgwick Park House is a truly stunningly beautiful venue. It’s a privately owned home, set within 100 acres of rolling countryside.
The gardens include breathtaking views of the South Downs and Chanctonbury Ring.
The House was purchased by John and Clare Davison in 2001 and the Estate at the moment comprises of the house with meadows to the front, formal gardens to the rear, and the woodland site of Sedgwick Castle to the West.
Clare works as a complementary therapist and hosts many delightful events for charity and other healers. She says:-
“Chanctonbury Ring is a very spiritual place. You can see that the Ring is aligned centrally to the house and garden. I have created a labyrinth at the bottom of the garden. We found a huge slab of Horsham stone and rolled it down from the top of the garden on wooden posts, placing it up right in the centre of the labyrinth. This acts as a focal point and gives the gardens an energy that I like to channel in a positive way.”
To get there: Horsham station is an hour from Victoria or London Bridge and Sedgwick Park House is 15 minutes in a taxi. Plan to arrive at Horsham station at 8.49am. This gives you time to relax, to have a cup of tea or coffee and explore the gardens.
This is the 7.28am train from London Victoria, the 7.47am train from Brighton or the 7.55am train from Hove.
If you are driving then you need directions as there are 2 entrances to the venue. Use www.mapquest.co.uk or Google maps, then let Pam know and she will send you instructions. There is plenty of free parking. The postcode is Horsham RH13 6QQ.
Starts at 10.00am until 6.15pm approx.
Teas, coffee and biscuits will be provided. Please bring your own lunch, bottled water, a pen and your journal.
TESTIMONIAL: “I have worked with Pam for several years now and have attended many of her workshops.
Pam’s clever use of combining Aura -Soma, astrological insight and the powerful model of Psychology of Vision makes for healing so profound that it’s hard to put into words. The gift of being in a space with like minded souls who all come together at the same time to create change is so powerful and unique. Every process that takes place touches your heart and soul. My own process took me on a journey of reconnecting to God and magical things have been happening since.
Pam is an excellent facilitator, gracious with her knowledge and insight and always works intuitively and sensitively to support each and every person in her space.
If you’ve been drawn to Pam’s workshops but have been resisting for whatever reason, then I urge you to listen to your soul’s calling and reclaim your Innocence and True Self. Because you’re worth it. Sharon”
Please email Pam via the Contact form if you want to discuss if this Workshop is right for you.
Your Trainer: Pam Carruthers is an experienced trainer, spiritual coach and healer. Her workshops are a unique synergy of the healing spiritual tools that Pam has worked with for the last 22 years. She blends astrology and her knowledge of colour, chakras and archetypes with the healing spiritual principles from Psychology of Vision and A Course in Miracles. Pam is a qualified professional astrologer, trained in Aura-Soma Colour and a NLP Practitioner.