Healing The Ancestral Problem

ancestral problem card
Ancestral Problem from The Enlightenment Pack by Chuck Spezzano

An Invitation to Participate on Healing The Ancestral Problem Weekend Workshop May 13/14  2023

We are connected at a deep level to our family of birth and our ancestors. This workshop helps you clear your ancestral problem and embrace your soul level gifts.

On a soul level we chose our family, even if consciously we may wonder why we made that decision! Astrology shows us our connection, as certain themes emerge when we look at their charts.

According to Chuck Spezzano;-

“An ancestral problem is a pattern that has been passed down through one or both sides of the family.

Family patterns can come from some original trauma, but take on different symptoms in different generations.

If you have a predilection for illness, low self -worth, scarcity, relationship problems or heartbreaks, then it may be an inherited problem that has been passed down through the generations.

As an inherited problem or issue, it’s one which already exists when we were born, since it has been passed down through the family.

An ancestral problem or family pattern can be one of the most significant issues creating trouble in someone’s life”

Astrology and Our Soul Group

The 4th house shows us our roots, the ancestral pattern. The nodes of the Moon also indicate what we need to release from the past. The nodes are now traveling through Taurus-North Node, and Scorpio -South Node. This 18 month transit brings Venus and Mars into focus, the planets of relationships.

Did you know that each relative can be located in your chart!

The astrology of this weekend is timed to coincide with the Sun joining Uranus-Change is in the air. Plus Jupiter will be at the same degree of the Solar Eclipse on April 20th. There is a flow of energy between Venus in Cancer, Saturn and the Moon in Pisces and the south Node in Scorpio.

What happens on the Workshop?

Each person receives an individual healing process, supported by the whole group, to help clear your ancestral problem and embrace your soul level gifts.

They will include:-

  • A Sacred Ritual as your astrological wheel is laid out on the floor.
  • Focus on the 4th house in your birth chart representing the ancestral patterns and the Nodes of the Moon.
  • Saturn in your chart- its house position, sign and aspects.
  • Using astrology and process cards to discover the ancestor whose story has set up a significant pattern that is negatively influencing your life.
  • Healing processes to bring your ancestors and family back into true alignment and reclaim your soul level gifts.

5 Good Reasons to attend this workshop:

  1. You’ll be supported. Pam’s workshops bring out the compassion and gifts in people. The results are always unique to each group, but the bonding and trust that develops between participants is rewarding and exhilarating.
  2. It will save you time. A workshop accelerates your personal growth. Being in a group allows you to make breakthroughs that can take years to access on your own.
  3. You’ll be participating in a ritual and tuning into your body.  The workshop space is sacred. The healing rituals are kinesthetic, so as you participate and move, you can transform your story.
  4. Your relationships will be more successful. Healing your soul stories will release energy. You’ll be more alive and available in relationships.
  5. You hear the call of your soul. You want to work at a deep level. You know that it’s vital for the world’s sake and for the sake of the ones you love, to look within and heal your wounds and heartbreaks.


Grove Neighbourhood Centre, 7 Bradmore Park Road, Hammersmith, London W6 0DT. FREE PARKING. See www.streetmap.co.uk for map.
This is a quiet, village like area with the bustle of Hammersmith a short walk away. It has plenty of places to have a great lunch. Nearest tubes: Hammersmith or Ravenscourt Park.

Places to stay: The Adria Hotel is very close but is on a busy road, so can be noisy. It’s at 44 Glenthorne Road, Hammersmith. There are many hotels in Hammersmith. I have stayed at The Holiday Inn in King Street, see www.lastminute.com. I would avoid staying in Shepherds Bush. Also look for b&b in nearby Ravenscourt Park, Turnham Green, Barnes, or Richmond.www.bandbinbarnes.com Book early. B&b with Stella Mason in Barnes offers very reasonable rates.

Date and Time: May 13th/14th 2023
10am for 10.15am start until 6.00pm.

To Book Your Place

Earlybird Course Fee: £195 until May 8th, then £225
Fee includes: Weekend Workshop Value £195.

PLUS Karmic Insight Report and Chiron Report worth £40

Pay with online banking or credit card via Stripe. There is a maximum of 10 places for individual attention.

Click here to Book This Workshop

Deposit of £90 holds your place. Balance due by May 8th.

After payment you will be directed to fill in your details on the Contact form.

“TESTIMONIAL: “I have worked with Pam for a couple of years now and have attended many of her workshops.

Pam’s clever use of combining astrological insight and the powerful model of Psychology of Vision makes for a weekend of healing so profound that it’s hard to put into words.  The gift of being in a space with like minded souls who all come together at the same time to create change is so powerful and unique.  Every process that takes place touches your heart and soul.  My own process took me on a journey of reconnecting to God and magical things have been happening since.

Healing wounds can sometimes be uncomfortable, but Pam is an excellent facilitator, gracious with her knowledge and insight and always works intuitively and sensitively to support each and every person in their space.

If you’ve been drawn to Pam’s workshops but have been resisting for whatever reason, then I urge you to listen to your soul’s calling and reclaim your Innocence and True Self. Because you’re worth it. Sharon W”

Pam has been facilitating workshops since 2001. She has  been trained by Chuck and Lency Spezzano of Psychology of Vision since 1997. As a POV trainer she staffed on international workshops assisting hundreds of people give birth to their true potential. More testimonials>

Please email Pam via the Contact form if you want to discuss if this Workshop is right for you.

Your Trainer: Pam Carruthers is an experienced trainer, spiritual coach and healer. Her workshops are a unique synergy of the healing spiritual tools that Pam has worked with for the last 23 years. She blends astrology and her knowledge of colour, chakras and archetypes with the healing spiritual principles from Psychology of Vision and A Course in Miracles. Pam is a qualified Western and Vedic astrologer, and NLP Practitioner.