Healing your shadow is the most powerful work you can do.
Transformational Workshop March 9th 2024 in Brighton
When we have the courage to dive deep into our emotional depths we can embrace the soft power of the feminine in all its strengths.
The Outsider is one key shadow that has come up in the last week. The Outsider is the one who is not included in the group. This can take the form of the lonely stranger or the one picked last for the sports team. Somehow they are the ones most likely to be rejected. They can take on the family role of the scapegoat who gets into trouble.
This workshop focuses on:-
- Exploring Family Roles. These are The Hero, the Martyr, The Charmer, The Lost Child and the Scapegoat. We take on family roles in an attempt to save our family.
- Healing the negative self concepts which we project out onto others as shadow figures. These can be political figures.
- Healing the key time in our lives where we lost power and disconnected from our purpose.
- Ancestral Healing. Identify which ancestor whose Victim story has unconsciously influenced your life.
- Embracing our true power and soul level gifts.
Our true power is the 3rd chakra, our centre and connection to Source, to faith, trust and to strength. Astrologically it is ruled by the Sun. Events in our lives can knock us off this centre, we lose confidence and start to doubt ourselves. Timed for the transit of Chiron with the North Node in Aries ruled by Mars, healing issues of lack of self worth is vitally important.
For Scorpio, the evolutionary aim is to face those shadowy places. To make the unconscious conscious. To break taboos. Most people born in the 20th century have a planet in Scorpio!
Once we are centred and connected to our core we can align with our true self as a spiritual being.
Whatever problems there are in your life right now, the underlying principle is that there’s a fear of the next step. This is a birth into co-creativity, spiritual and shamanic vision and a whole new level of success and happiness.
This workshop focuses on discovering the underlying pattern, on healing the time when we gave up and lost our power.
The Workshop-Taking the Next Step

We’ll prepare by asking the Universe what we need to heal by choosing cards by Chuck Spezzano and start to share what significance they have for us.
This is time to face our shadows, summon our courage and take action, based on what our heart desires. Each shadow has a healing Archetype, your Guardian angel that can support the next step in your life.
Pam will facilitate group processes to help you reclaim and embrace your true power.
Please write down your dreams or messages you may receive once you sign up.
A post workshop Zoom meeting will be arranged a week after the workshop.
Book your place now- Just 12 places!
Earlybird: Workshop value £90
PLUS Astrology Report by Steven Forrest. Archetypes – Your 10 Teachers. Value £20
Total value £110
Earlybird Fee until March 1st: £90
After March 1st the Fee will be £99
Click here to Book Your Place on this Healing Workshop
Testimonials from a previous participants:
“I attended the workshop with Pam ‘Reclaim Your Power and Your Passion’ and have since experienced a significant positive shift in my life and business. Results from the workshop were almost instant. I returned home to find my twin had phoned and left a message, (the first contact for nearly two months); my energy levels improved; and I had new business clients phoning every day for the next week! Thank you so much for your insight and caring facilitation. You offer something very special and unique.” Penny B
“I thought you were inspired on the workshop! You were insightful, flexible, caring and creative (and lots more besides!) Thank you for holding us and helping us all to learn and heal. There was a special energy, great attention given and a sense of integrity. Well played and thank you!” Richard Farr
“Pam’s ability to give love and compassion gave me the strength to go to my core fears. She has an amazing gifts to bring and gives to all.” Lorna P
“I am feeling really peaceful and happy today so I wanted to thank you for this weekend. I felt really touched by your generosity and everyone’s stories and trust in the group. You made me realise that I have gifts which I need to treasure and that a lot of them come from my mother whom I now feel a more positive connection with. Thank you for leading the workshop with such grace, humour and insight. You truly are an inspiration.” Nadege
“Thank you again, very much, for a truly wonderful and memorable weekend. My process went a big step further for me than other work I’ve done and really got to the core of what’s been messing me up. And it was strange but great, a relief to finally not be allowed to get away with my usual pantomimes and evasive manoeuvres! It was very helpful that you could feel that I went unconscious during my process as an avoiding mechanism, which I’ve done many times in my life, but with the support from you and the group I was able to really engage and make use of the perfectly created opportunity to release some old stuff is such a relief!” Judith B
“We don’t service our car once, then congratulate ourselves on a job well done and leave it till it falls apart, but we have a tendency to do that with our spirits. A HUGE shift has taken place. I now have the head space to create and meet my next set of goals. Heaven! Pam’s strength, guidance and delicious sense of humour provides a safe and energetic environment, just perfect for our spiritual tune up!” Philippa
“Thank you so much for a very enlightening two days. You were so generous with your time and I really appreciated that. You have really helped my family. Thank you so much.” Sue
Pam has been facilitating workshops since 4th November 2001. More testimonials>
Buried Power and Pluto
In our birth charts Pluto buries what it touches. You’ll receive the Steven Forest Archetypes Report will identify how this has shaped your soul’s journey. The author Steven Forrest sums up why Pluto is the planet in our personal birth charts that requires scrutiny:-
“The planet Pluto is shading the spirit of your life nowadays, and in a nutshell that means that you are being challenged to heal. Pluto, as you probably know, is the lord of the underworld…or to put it more succinctly, the God of Hell. And it is disquieting, to say the least, to imagine that this deity is currently dining at your table. But take heart! The “hell” inside you needs airing out, and that is essentially what Pluto is about.
You’ve been hurt.
You’ve been used, abused, rejected, exploited, lied to…the whole sad litany. And, like the rest of us, you’ve sometimes had to keep the proverbial stiff upper lip and simply get on with your life.
But where does all that hurt go?
Down deep into the unconscious mind, where it stays until you’re clear enough and strong enough to handle resurrecting it and really going beyond it.
Pluto’s action is to bring up buried emotions. Its tone is intense. It often feels moody and confrontative. It can destabilize and disrupt the areas of your life that it’s touching.
The best course is to resolve to go deeper and deeper, truth above kindness and resolution over comfort. It’s not easy, but in the end the energizing and empowering of the psyche make the process worthwhile.”
Steven Forrest from Sky Log transit report
This is a Sacred Healing Workshop that your soul yearns for, so book now!
Just 12 places.
Earlybird: Workshop value £90
PLUS Astrology Report by Steven Forrest. Archetypes – Your 10 Teachers, a personal Astrology Report Value £20
Total value £110
Earlybird Fee until March 1st: £90
After March 1st the Fee will be £99
Book your place now on this Healing Workshop
VENUE: Loft Room, Cornerstone Community Centre, Hove
TIME arrive 10.00am for 10.15am start until 5pm.
With its beautiful stained glass of the 4 disciples-which are the 4 fixed signs of the zodiac, the Cornerstone Community Centre is located at the West end of St John the Baptist Church, Church Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 2FL.
www.cornerstone-hove.org.uk. It’s on a major bus route along Church Road between Hove and Churchill Square, Brighton (buses 1, 2, 5, 6, 25 and 49) and a 17 minutes walk from Hove train station. Parking is on-street ‘Pay & Display’.
Where to Stay? The website www.airbnb.co.uk offers many reasonably priced rooms to stay in Brighton or Hove. Please bear in mind when you book a room that Brighton and Hove charges for parking at weekends-some roads are only free from 8pm-8am.
Nearest stations: Brighton or Hove.
CONTACT PAM via this form of you have any questions about this workshop.
Terms and Conditions
Please note that the fee is non refundable but can be transferred to another workshop, or a consultation with Pam.