New Moon in Gemini 2020

New Moon in Gemini activates Mars and Neptune

I have described the message of this New Moon in Gemini as being a time to call on Grace and Prayer. Mercury joins Venus in Gemini, a positive alliance. However Neptune, symbolic of the Divine and unconditional love is creating confusion and a conflict with the logical nature of Gemini.

Caroline Myss -whose video is at the end of this newsletter-reminds us of the importance of prayer and that “Heaven is Your Ally”.

The New Moon in Gemini is challenged by Mars in Pisces. With the lockdown its difficult to know what day of the week it is. Its as if we are drifting along with a Netflix addiction and are all at sea.  The ideal magical movie to watch is ‘Life of Pi’ .

Life will change but I suggest it won’t happen until Mars moves into Aries at the end of June.

Venus is now retrograde and quickly starts to disappear from the evening sky. Look west after sunset on Sunday May 24th and you may catch it shining brightly with a whisper of the crescent moon. Wish upon a star! Venus joins the Sun on June 3rd, a rebirth of energy.

Now Saturn and Jupiter are retrograde we are being asked us to re-examine our values, attitudes, plans and projects.

Neptune in Pisces

As Neptune travels through Pisces is ruled by the gas giant, Neptune, God of the Ocean, the Sea of Consciousness. We can float or drown in the ocean, and as every sailor knows, it has tremendous power. The the Covid-19 virus is symbolic in the collective of deep emotion, loss and grief.

In the next few weeks the Sun on June 6th, then Mars on June 13th make a challenging (square) aspect to Neptune. This can result in confusion, fantasy, escapism and lost boundaries. Neptune also rules scandals. As I write Dominic Cummings who has the Sun conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius in his chart is in the the spotlight for breaking the rules of the lockdown. (dob.25 November 1971)

Key Dates

Sun in Gemini until 20th June when it enters Cancer, the Summer Solstice at 22.43 BST.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius/Gemini on June 5th.

Annular Solar Eclipse on June 21st at 7.41 BST. Not visible in the UK.

Mercury is now in Gemini-a sign it rules until 28 May when it moves into the emotional sign of Cancer. In the news this relates to the concern of parents and teachers to send young children back to school.

Venus is in Gemini and went retrograde on 14th May. Venus stays in Gemini until 7th August. Watch the sky after sunset to see Venus as an Evening Star before it disappears!

Mars is in the water sign of Pisces where it is weak. We may get distracted in taking action. Mars takes approx. 2 years to travel around the zodiac and is boosting all the water signs- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.However it makes a challenging aspect to the Sun on 6th June, then squares Neptune on 13th June. These are difficult days so lay low. All systems go when Mars moves into Aries- the sign it rules – on June 28th. Mars goes retrograde on September 10th, so will be spending over 5 months in Aries.

Jupiter is mainly in Capricorn until 20th December. Think how the mountain goat is so agile as it climbs up and you get the idea. It went retrograde on 15th May until 13th September.

Saturn moved into Aquarius on 22nd March until 2nd July when it re-enters Capricorn  It went retrograde on 11th May. It stays in Capricorn until 17th December 2020. Aquarius is the sign of community, of the brotherhood/sisterhood of man/woman. It’s a futuristic sign and ruled by the unpredictable energy of Uranus. The full impact of this shift in energy will come next year. One interpretation is the lockdown of communities. The positive is that communities are rallying around to support each other.

Uranus in Taurus is now direct until 16th August activating 5-10 degrees Taurus. Make some practical changes in your life and throw out anything that doesn’t bring you joy! There is a favorable connection (a minor aspect called  a semi-sextile) with Chiron the archetype of the Wounded Healer at this New Moon.

Neptune in Pisces favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. I love the meditations with Deepak Chopra as he uses simple sanskrit mantras. See Chopra Center Meditation.

Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. However it becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38.



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On a final note, please watch this video to the end when Caroline offers a simple prayer. I burst into tears as I joined in.