Aries Full Moon-Time for Healing Old Wounds
This Aries Full Moon focusses on Chiron, the archetype of the Wounded Healer.
Chiron is the shaman, the maverick and the outsider. As it moves through your birth chart it awakens the energy of any planet it contacts. It has an approx. 50 year orbit, so those of you who were born between 31 March 1968 and 29th March 1977 have Chiron in Aries. The acclaimed astrologer Howard Sasportas said that “the gift is in the wound.” Therefore, it’s really important to understand what Chiron means for you.
Below I offer the brilliant report on Chiron and the Asteroid Goddesses.
The Sun in Libra is ruled by Venus. But Venus is now so close to the Sun it’s invisible. Pluto has just turned direct, and Saturn will also turn direct on October 23rd.
This Aries Full Moon has encouraging aspects. Saturn has a positive aspect to the Sun. This is excellent for making big juicy goals that have organised structure. We still have the strong aspect of a trine of Mars in Gemini with Saturn in Aquarius. However, Mars is also square to Neptune which can dissolve its energies. Day-dreaming without any action can be the result!
Mercury the Messenger planet is just still in Virgo makes a positive connection with Pluto-planet of transformation. Words have power. The pen is mighty than the sword. It moves into Libra on 11th October at 00.51am so just a brief window in Virgo. Once in Libra its role is diplomacy and mediation for the next few weeks. Relationships become highlighted this month until the Sun moves into Scorpio on 23rd.
Neptune is opposite Venus and Mercury in Virgo
Neptune governs dreams, healing, psychic connections, all things invisible. How difficult it is to believe in the unseen when the reality (Saturn) seems to dominate?
Looking ahead Mars goes retrograde on October 30th. It spends 6 months in Gemini, so look at your chart to see what area of your life is being activated. During this time also know what Mercury is up to as it rules Gemini.
Mercury contacts Jupiter
Mercury is now moving to an opposition with Jupiter. These two planets rule the left and right brain.
Listen to your dreams and the whisperings in your ear from the angels and spirit world. Write, draw- put down on paper your vision for your future. Mercury is still retrograde and exalted in Virgo from September 24th -October 11th. This truly is the perfect time to call on help from friends in High Places.
As the saying goes, would you rather be right or happy!
Venus is now in the underground, the realm of the unconscious.
Venus has disappeared from the morning sky and on October 22nd it joins the Sun. This is known as the Venus Star Point. It remains out of sight until 1st December. Then as it’s 10 degrees away from the Sun it becomes visible and reappears in Sagittarius as an Evening Star. When Venus is invisible it can often indicate a time of going within and being less social. It relates to the story of Innana.
It can also be a time when female leaders lose their power if they have planets in Libra. This happened to Margaret Thatcher who had Libra rising.
Liz Truss the UK’s Prime Minister has Pluto in Libra, so a power struggle is building. Plus the lunar eclipse on November 8th is exactly square her Sun in Leo! Her birth data is 26th July 1975 in Oxford. Time unknown.
Saturn square Uranus
At last, this tense challenging aspect is almost over. It’s a long cycle- it started in February 2021 – and affects world events. Saturn is strong in Aquarius and Uranus is close to the North Node of the Moon in Taurus which connects to the eclipses this year. The classic interpretation is the old versus the new. One quote that resonates is “Break the rules (Uranus) for the right reasons (Saturn).”
- Full Moon in Aries October 9th at 16 degrees Aries. The Moon joins Chiron, Venus joins the Sun
- Sun in Libra until October 23rd when it moves into Scorpio.
- Mars in Gemini. Goes retrograde at 25 degrees Gemini on October 30th.
- Mercury in Virgo It moved back into Virgo on September 24th. Into Libra October 11th. Into Scorpio on 29th.
- Venus in Libra until 23rd when it moves into Scorpio.
- New Moon Solar Eclipse October 25th at 2 degrees Scorpio
Please watch my YouTube video above as I explain more fully about this Full Moon in Aries. I will be hosting a webinar on the Eclipses so watch this space.
In need of personal emotional and spiritual support?
The grief felt across the Uk at the death of the Queen took many people by surprise. When an event touches the collective it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
If you have a strong connection to Chiron, then this Full Moon will be activating it. I can support and guide you in this process.
This is an ideal time for a consultation. See this page for more information
For ongoing personal support, I am qualified in the processes of Psychology of Vision. Chuck and Lency Spezzano have been my mentor and teachers since 1994. This work is based on the spiritual principles of A Course in Miracles. Please contact me via my Contact Form I usually have some spaces each week for clients who need help.

Chiron and the Asteroid Goddesses
This Report explore aspects of spirituality and empowerment in the realm of the feminine.
Would you like to know more about your capacity to nurture, marital relationships, problem solving skills, sexuality and healing power?
This Asteroid Report by Viniita Hutchinson gives interpretations of Chiron and the four major asteroids Ceres, Juno, Vesta, and Pallas Athena, which can shed light on these important areas of human experience.
This report talks about the symbolic meaning of asteroids and how they operate in your birth horoscope.
Astrology is an ancient science and art that has been in use for centuries. The planets are named after the Mediterranean gods of ancient Rome and Greece. This illustrates the awareness possessed by our ancestors of the synchronicity between the activation of life’s archetypal energies and the movements of heavenly bodies that seem to measure the timing of these events.
The Asteroid Goddesses
The asteroids lie in a belt that orbits between Mars and Jupiter. It is now known that this belt is comprised of thousands of asteroids, but the first four were discovered in the late 19th century, many years in advance of the rest.
These four asteroids were named after four major Olympic goddesses, which happened to redress the gender imbalance among the primarily male planetary deities that populate the horoscope. Thus it was that Ceres, Juno, Vesta, and Pallas Athena came along at the time of the birth of the women’s movement in the nineteenth century.
- Ceres shows your capacity to nurture and what you really care about.
- Juno clarifies how you deal with committed personal relationships.
- Vesta can give your keys to how you express your sexuality. Vesta is also the Keeper of the Sacred Flame.
- Pallas Athena shows your approach to solving problems creatively.
- Chiron gives clues to where you can be a mentor or a healer.
Each of the asteroids and Chiron are described by:
- The sign they inhabit in your chart
- The house in which they are found- the area of your life’s experience
- Aspects made to other points in your natal chart
Chiron was discovered in 1977 on November 1st and was named after the wise Greek centaur who tasted immortality. Chiron lies between Saturn and Uranus and occasionally passes within the orbit of Saturn. At first thought to be a comet or asteroid it is now considered a “planetoid” or small planet-like body.
The astrological portraits of the asteroids and Chiron have emerged through the observations of fascinated astrologers over the last century. This report informs you of their symbolic meaning and gives you insight into how they operate in your own horoscope.
To buy Chiron and the Asteroid Goddesses Report
The report £20. Please pay via Paypal or your credit card with Stripe. The report will be emailed to you as a PDF. Pam inputs your birth data by hand so please allow up to 24 hours for delivery. After payment you will be redirected to a page where you enter your birth details.