Connecting with our Divine Ancestors
I am delighted to tell you that this August New Moon is very Good News.
This is a month for hope and optimism. It’s a month where we can shine, take command of our life and make a fresh start.
At last (after 24 days which seemed like a lifetime!) Mercury is now moving forward and this New Moon has the full aspect of the great benefic Jupiter, King of the Gods.
Venus is close by so there is a blessing of feminine energy and grace.
Jupiter will go retrograde on August 30th for 120 days until December 25th. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as its closest to the earth when retrograde and can become stronger. As Jupiter governs expansion it’s not a good time to sell a house as prices may be lower, but bargains are to be had if you’re buying.
Magha – The Constellation of Leo and The Divine Ancestors
In Vedic Astrology this New Moon falls in a lunar mansion (called nakshatra) called Magha. Magha is close to the Royal star Regulus and in the sidereal sign of Leo.
It is connected to the deities known as the Pitris who are the Divine Ancestors.
These are our spiritual guides and teachers, the ones who oversee and guide humanity with their wisdom and vision. This Nakshatra refers to the lineage of teachers from all lives, as well as our literal family in this lifetime. These connections show our true power in life.
The Sun travels through this lunar mansion from August 18th- 1st September. Mercury has just turned direct and will follow the Sun and enter this constellation on 5th until 13th September. Mars will enter on 31st October until 26th November. This Autumn it’s vital that we heal any issues we have with our ancestors or family.
This is time to slay our demons and embrace our true power

In the western zodiac this new moon is in the sign of Virgo- which is the sign of health and healing, so this is a good time for a detox.
Durga pictured, is the Goddess with true power to slay our demons- but with such style and grace! A fabulous inspiration.
Sam Geppi, a fellow Vedic astrologer, says:-
Many see their true power buried beneath the spectre of their past, family conditioning etc. There are grievances and unresolved issues and inner conflicts around those we care about who may not fully accept as a bigger version of ourselves that we would like to embody. So we stay small.
There may be some of this arising the next month.
But when we connect to a less personal and more universal form of power all of those things are obliterated and we show up to SERVE rather than to ACQUIRE the beauty and love and joy of truth from the true source, from the Pitris (Great Gurus and teachers) .. puts everything back into perspective and we remember that Self which is bigger than the details of this life.
Generosity is the true hallmark of Sattwa. Leo, the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter are all Sattwic and connecting now as Jupiter is also aspecting this Sun and Moon in Leo.
Serve, grow, connect, and be extended this next month. Follow the power in your heart to greatness.”
Steps to Leadership- Answering the call for Help

August saw the disturbing sights of young people rioting and looting on the streets of London. However it also brought out the best in people.
In Psychology of Vision leadership is about answering the call for help. This isn’t confined to politicians and CEOs.
The image of a good natured crowd of people wearing wellies and waving their brooms in the air was heart warming. This was so impressive because they took it upon themselves to act, rather than wait for the Council to clear the mess up.
With Jupiter retrograde it’s the perfect time for spiritual studies and higher education. I offer an excellent emotional intelligence and relationship course called Steps to Leadership.
This course teaches some of the ground breaking work of author, teacher and relationship expert Chuck Spezzano. This transformational model alled Psychology of Vision has benefited thousands of people throughout the world. I have studied it for over 17 years and use its principles and exercises in all of my coaching.
By attending this course you’ll learn material that you can use for clients, with your family and in the workplace.
Some of my past participants* have:-
- Found true love at the age of 64!
- Had a most wanted baby
- Healed a long standing family feud
- Been way ahead of her fellow students on a traditional Counselling Course
- Become a trainer and Company Director
This course is now over.

Chiron and the Asteroid Goddesses
I have just launched a brand new astrology report which tells you about Chiron- the wounded healer and shaman- and the 4 goddesses in your chart.
These Goddesses are Juno, Vesta, Pallas and Ceres and add depth to your understanding of your feminine side.
Chiron and the Goddesses to buy>
* They were on the longer 30 Module Course.
I am honoured to have taught ‘Steps to Leadership’ many times and am eternally grateful for all that my students have taught me!