Cancer Full Moon January 2023

Cancer Full Moon-Are you nurturing yourself?

This Cancer Full Moon is the first Full Moon of 2023 invoking the archetypal energies of Cancer/Mother Nurturer, Capricorn/ Father Protector along with Uranus/ Inventor and Rebel.

The Sun is in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, which gets a bad press.  The positive is Mastery. Saturn changes sign in May into Pisces for the next 2 and a half years which has a less harsh energy. That’s big news for 2023. 

Its a very emotional time as Neptune is also involved.

If you are sensitive to energy, maybe with a lot of planets in Pisces or Cancer, or strong contacts to Neptune then you may be temped to shut down the news which is full of negativity. Rather I suggest that you strengthen your boundaries. Recognise that “No” is a complete sentence.

I highly recommend the book Intimate Conversations with the Divine, Prayer, Guidance and Grace by Caroline Myss. She writes that having a Prayer Life is vital for her and how important is the power of language (Mercury). She asks us to pay attention to the words we use. Is it a crisis or a wake up call-an opportunity?

Mars Retrograde is moving forward soon!

Mars the Warrior will go forward direct on January 12th.  That’s good news! Until then be aware of miscommunications as Gemini is ruled by Mercury also retrograde. Check all travel arrangements. Double check that your emails have arrived. Be aware that forcing forward movement is like trying to drive a car with the wheels spinning as if its stuck in mud!

To remind you, it went retrograde on October 30th.  With Mars in Gemini its almost impossible to get into a proper dialogue with those in power as the establishment (as seen by Saturn strong in Aquarius) refuses to budge. Mars will finally leave Gemini on March 25th 2023 when it moves into Cancer.  

Mercury in Capricorn Retrograde

The other main news is that Mercury is now firmly in Capricorn. It joins the Sun, the Throne room of the King on January 8th.

It went retrograde on 29th December, so it stays in Capricorn until 11th February- a full 2 months. This is good news for all earth signs, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Plus, the water signs, Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer can also benefit.

As Mercury is travelling through the best business sign of the zodiac- Capricorn -until February 11th, I suggest that you focus on organising, structure, testing and completing all unfinished projects. Wait until Mercury goes direct before launching your plans.

 Mercury and Uranus

There are 3 key dates when Mercury forms a positive aspect to Uranus. These were December 17th 2022,  then January 8th and January 30th 2023.  Ideas can come out of the blue, so pay attention to all messages-via email, WhatsApp or Facebook. Or of course what you overhear or dream about. Ideal time for choosing tarot cards. I recommend The Inner Child Tarot by Lerner and Lerner, or Osho Zen along with Rider Waite.


  • Full Moon January 6th in Cancer
  • Mars in Gemini retrograde goes direct on January 12th, 2023.
  • Mercury in Capricorn From December 6th. Went retrograde on 29th December. Stays in Capricorn until 11th February 2023. Goes direct January 18th
  • Venus in Aquarius  January 3rd 2023 until January 27th, when it moves into Pisces.
  • Sun into Aquarius January 20th
  • New Moon January 21st in Aquarius

Uranus goes direct on January 22nd, so from then on all planets will be moving forward until the next Mercury retrograde on April 21st.

Please watch my YouTube video above as I explain more fully about this Cancer Full Moon.
