Full Moon in Scorpio Lunar Eclipse


This is a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

The Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio at 18.34 BST in the UK, so we won’t see it. It is a time of reflection. Scorpio has 3 symbols, the Scorpion, the Eagle and the Dove/Phoenix. Its unlike any other sign and its gift is vision (the eagle) and transformation (the Phoenix.) On Saturday May 6th Scorpio King Charles III was crowned. He has the Karmic Axis of the eclipse degrees exact in his chart. It is called a Nodal return, it is his destiny that he is crowned in a sacred and religious ritual. I will be watching as this is history, and yes it is sacred. Enjoy the celebrations!

Do you have a planet in Scorpio?

A little-known fact is that is that it’s very common to have planets in Scorpio. Most of us born in the last century have a planet in Scorpio so its relevance is important at this Lunar Eclipse.

There are an enormous number of people born in the last half of the 20th century with one or more planets in Scorpio. The normal random distribution, for reference, would produce a figure of just over half the population.

From 1953-1995, however, there was an extraordinary run of outer planets following each other into the sign, and for that 42-year period about 98.5% of all people born have one or more planets in Scorpio.

From 1954-1971 this figure is about 99.1%; and everyone born in the the Nineteen Sixties has at least one planet in Scorpio. Between 1971 and 1974 there was a brief respite, but between late 1975 and 1995 this figure is about 99.7%; only for a few days in 1981, and a few weeks in 1983, where there no planets in Scorpio.

UPDATE May 15th

I have taken time out to reflect and enjoy the celebrations. This eclipse at 14 degrees Scorpio joined the Sun in my chart, hence a time of retreat. The Solar Eclipse degree on 20th April was at 29 degrees Aries and is potent for six months. However the degree of a Lunar eclipse only lasts for a month.

Mercury is still retrograde until May 16th. The Coronation went ahead with very few hiccups. Considering the amount of people involved that is a miracle. Which only proves that not all Mercury retrogrades cause problems.

I have advertised my upcoming workshop, however you may have missed it. I have had to navigate the train strikes and May 27/28th looks safe. I now have a new workshop on June 24th at Sedgwick Park House in Horsham.

How about you?

Have you been feeling under the weather? Needing downtime and self care? Caught up with the busyness of a long weekend with yet another Bank Holiday at the end of the month? I offer spiritual coaching to my clients and have a couple of places available this month. My latest testimonial from a long standing client who has just landed her dream job.

Working with Pam is life-affirming. She has the amazing talent of getting to the heart of any troubling matter. Her kindness and compassion are deeply infused in her unique offering and in subtle and profound ways the breakthroughs occur. I highly recommend attending one of unique workshops or booking a 1:1 coaching session. You will never look back but will move forward with the knowledge that the ancient art of astrology both Western and Vedic really does transform your life under her guidance. Julia

Key Dates May

  • May 3rd Mercury in Taurus until June 11th. April 21st went retrograde in Taurus at 9.35am BST. It stays in Taurus until June 11th.
  • May 5th Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio at 14 degrees. Close to the Coronation and King Charles is a Scorpio
  • May 7th Venus into Cancer until June 5th when it moves into Leo.
  • May 15th Mercury goes direct in Taurus at 4.17am BST
  • May 16th Jupiter into Taurus for an entire year.
  • 20th Sun into Taurus at 9.13am BST. It will be ruled by Venus in Cancer.
  • New Moon in Taurus May 19th
  • May 20th Mars into Leo

Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16th

Jupiter the greater benefic is now direct and it will move into Taurus for an entire year on May 16th until May 26th 2024. This is wonderful news for Taurus and Scorpio.  Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus, and it promotes activities connected to the earth such as gardening, material wealth and all good things on the physical plane. Taurus is also compatible with the emotional water sign of Cancer. Fellow earth signs Virgo and Capricorn also benefit from Jupiter’s gaze.

Saturn in Pisces

The second most important event of the year started on March 7th when Saturn-Lord of Karma – enters Pisces for the next two and a half years. This ended two and a half years of Saturn in Aquarius so comes as a welcome relief for all Aquarians and the other fixed signs of Leo and Scorpio. Water signs will mow benefit as will earth signs.

Saturn gets a bad press as its nature is heavy representing gravity and reality. To work with Saturn is the key. In the Vedic system the remedy for Saturn is being of service and supporting charities through our direct involvement. Saturn rules time, so once we give of our time and effort we can reap the reward. It is also Mastery as the effort we put in makes us a master.

Chiron and Old Wounds

Chiron the archetype of the Wounded Healer was also activated at the Solar eclipse in Aries. Old wounds need healing, especially those wounds we encountered in our family of birth. In my coaching I explore these issues with clients as they can often be seen in the birth chart in relationship to the Moon and the karmic axis.

Uranus in Taurus is now direct activating 17 degrees Taurus. Make some practical changes in your life and throw out anything that doesn’t bring you joy! (It went direct on January 22nd.)

Neptune The Dreamer is now direct. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. We now have an opportunity to bring our dreams into manifestation. Trust your intuition. Venus joins Neptune on February 15th– just in time for Valentines Day.

Pluto moved into Aquarius on March 23rd. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. However it becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38. It moved into Aquarius briefly on March 23rd until June 11th 2023. However it only transits 0 degrees 22 mins Aquarius so not a major transit.




An Invitation to Participate on ‘Healing your Shadow-Embrace Your True Power’ Weekend Workshop May 27/28  2023

There is a maximum of 14 places for individual attention.

An Invitation to join on a Weekend Workshop ‘Healing Your Shadow: Embracing Your True Power’ London May 27th/28th.

Healing your shadow is the most powerful work you can do.

This is an Invitation to participate in a very special weekend of healing.  Timed for the transit of Jupiter in Taurus activating the Karmic axis along with Mercury now direct and Uranus also in Taurus promising change.

There are challenges and tension in the air with the Sun in Gemini squaring Saturn and Mars in Leo opposite to Pluto in Aquarius.

However most importantly Venus is the Evening Star in Cancer aligned with Uranus and Neptune. 

In Shamanic astrology this activates the 5th, the throat chakra as the Moon joins Venus on May 23rd in Cancer. This connects us to the myth of Inanna returning as Queen of Heaven from the Underworld and regaining her voice, her true power.

This workshop focuses on:-

  • Healing the negative self concepts which we project out onto others as shadow figures.
  • Healing the key time in our lives where we lost power and disconnected from our purpose.
  • Embracing our true power and soul level gifts.

Our true power is the 3rd chakra, our centre and connection to Source, to faith, trust and to strength. Astrologically it is ruled by the Sun. Events in our lives can knock us off this centre, we lose confidence and start to doubt ourselves.

Once we are centred and connected to our core we can align with our true self as a spiritual being.

How are you feeling right now?

  • Are you stuck? Feel you can’t move forward however hard you try?
  • Is your relationship, or career, just treading water?
  • Is there someone in your life who has become a shadow figure for you?
  • Are you feeling like giving up? Burnt out and exhausted?
  • Are you sabotaging yourself with self-attack?

These are all signs that you are caught in the ‘dead zone’. This is a stage we all go through many times on our spiritual journey.

The temptation is to give everything up, throw in the job, ditch the relationship, move house.

However the problem remains, and will resurface after a short period of time because its not an external problem but an inner one.

The underlying principle is that there’s a fear of the next step which is a birth into co-creativity, spiritual and shamanic vision and a whole new level of success and happiness.

This workshop focuses on discovering the underlying pattern, on healing the time when we gave up and lost our power.

We’ll prepare by asking the Universe what we need to heal this weekend by choosing cards by Chuck Spezzano and start to share what significance they have for us.

This is time to face our shadows, summon our courage and take action, based on what our heart desires. Each shadow has a healing Archetype, your Guardian angel that can support the next step in your life.

What happens on the Workshop?

Pam will facilitate group processes to help you reclaim and embrace your true power. They will include tea and lunch breaks:-

SATURDAY Shadows & Archetypes

  • Invoke the Angels of the 4 Directions. Aura-Soma invocation to ground the energy.
  • Choosing a buddy (using name cards) to connect with over the weekend.
  • Shadows chosen and explored in the group with Chuck Spezzano’s Archetypes and Shadows process cards. Discuss your Shadow card with your buddy.
  • Group healing exercise choosing Shadow, Archetype, Healing, Gift and Grace cards. People in the group will be chose intuitively to hold the energy of each card and the healing is accompanied with music. Pam’s playlist has over 2,500 songs!
  • Shamanic Journey to discover your Power Animal and your Inner Guide.
  • Please write down your dreams or messages you may receive overnight.

SUNDAY Embracing Your True Power

  • Sharing and Aura-Soma
  • Ancestral Healing. Identify which ancestor whose Victim story has unconsciously influenced your life. Intuitively ask which side of the family and how long back. Group process.
  • Buddy exercises to regain lost power. How old were you when you lost power? How many steps did you take away from your true self?
  • Ho’ opono pono forgiveness ritual (Essentially, it means to make it right with the ancestors, or to make right with the people with whom you have relationships)
  • Letting Go Ritual. Identifying your grievances, writing them down, then burning them in the courtyard garden.
  • Closing Circle with Aura-Soma master energy.

Each person will be involved in the processes. Maximum group size is 14.


Grove Neighbourhood Centre, 7 Bradmore Park Road, Hammersmith, London W6 0DT. FREE PARKING.

Date and Time: May 27th/28th 2023
10am for 10.15am start until 6.00pm.

[wp_cart_button name=”Healing Your Shadow Workshop” price=”195.00″]

This is a Sacred Healing Weekend that your soul yearns for, so book now!

5 Good Reasons to attend this workshop:

  1. You’ll be supported. Pam’s workshops bring out the compassion and gifts in people. The results are always unique to each group, but the bonding and trust that develops between participants is rewarding and exhilarating.
  2. It will save you time. A workshop accelerates your personal growth. Being in a group allows you to make breakthroughs that can take years to access on your own.
  3. You’ll be participating in a ritual and tuning into your body.  The workshop space is sacred. The healing rituals are kinesthetic, so as you participate and move, you can transform your story.
  4. Your relationships will be more successful. Healing your soul stories will release energy. You’ll be more alive and available in relationships.
  5. You hear the call of your soul. You want to work at a deep level. You know that it’s vital for the world’s sake and for the sake of the ones you love, to look within and heal your wounds and heartbreaks.


Grove Neighbourhood Centre, 7 Bradmore Park Road, Hammersmith, London W6 0DT. FREE PARKING. See www.streetmap.co.uk for map. This is a quiet, village like area with the bustle of Hammersmith a short walk away. It has plenty of places to have a great lunch. Nearest tubes: Hammersmith or Ravenscourt Park.

Places to stay: The Adria Hotel is very close but is on a busy road, so can be noisy. It’s at 44 Glenthorne Road, Hammersmith. There are many hotels in Hammersmith. I have stayed at The Holiday Inn in King Street, see www.lastminute.com. I would avoid staying in Shepherds Bush. Also look for b&b in nearby Ravenscourt Park, Turnham Green, or Richmond.www.bandbinbarnes.com Book early. B&b with Stella Mason in Barnes offers very reasonable rates.

Date and Time: May 13th/14th 2023
10am for 10.15am start until 6.00pm.

To Book Your Place

Earlybird Course Fee: £195 until May 15th, then £225
Fee includes: Weekend Workshop Value £195.

PLUS Karmic Insight Report and Chiron Report worth £40.

Pay with online banking or credit card via Stripe. There is a maximum of 14 places for individual attention.

[wp_cart_button name=”Healing Your Shadow Workshop” price=”195.00″]

After payment you will be directed to fill in your details on the Contact form.

“TESTIMONIAL: “I have worked with Pam for a couple of years now and have attended many of her workshops.

Pam’s clever use of combining astrological insight and the powerful model of Psychology of Vision makes for a weekend of healing so profound that it’s hard to put into words.  The gift of being in a space with like minded souls who all come together at the same time to create change is so powerful and unique.  Every process that takes place touches your heart and soul. My own process took me on a journey of reconnecting to God and magical things have been happening since.

Healing wounds can sometimes be uncomfortable, but Pam is an excellent facilitator, gracious with her knowledge and insight and always works intuitively and sensitively to support each and every person in their space.

If you’ve been drawn to Pam’s workshops but have been resisting for whatever reason, then I urge you to listen to your soul’s calling and reclaim your Innocence and True Self. Because you’re worth it. Sharon W”

Pam has been facilitating workshops since 2001. She has been trained by Chuck and Lency Spezzano of Psychology of Vision since 1997. As a POV trainer for over 10 years she staffed on international workshops assisting hundreds of people give birth to their true potential.

Your Trainer: Pam Carruthers is an experienced trainer, spiritual coach and healer. Her workshops are a unique synergy of the healing spiritual tools that Pam has worked with for the last 23 years. She blends astrology and her knowledge of colour, chakras and archetypes with the healing spiritual principles from Psychology of Vision and A Course in Miracles. Pam is a qualified Western and Vedic astrologer and NLP Practitioner.