Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon in Gemini

Have you been having Sleepless Nights?

The Full Moon in Gemini occurs at 09.29 GMT on Monday 30th November.

If you’ve been having sleepless nights it could be that you are sensitive to this Full Moon in Gemini. Maybe you are caught in two minds, trying to resolve a dilemma.  Plus Neptune- the planet of dreams, has just moved direct. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate.

Full Moon in Gemini is a partial lunar eclipse

A partial lunar eclipse is when the Sun and Moon are a long distance from the lunar nodes. We’ve had several of these partial lunar eclipses this year on January 10th, June 5th and July 4th. The astrology magazine The Mountain Astrologer describes these as ‘plans not coming together’. Lunar eclipse bring emotions to the fore, but their effect only lasts for a month.

Can you recall what was going on for you on June 5th as this is a reverse of the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius? Did you make plans back then that didn’t come together? Are you being caught in a dilemma?

No planets in Air Signs

At this time -apart from the Moon and the North Node- there are no planets in air signs. The last planets travelling through the air sign of Libra were Mercury October 8th to November 10th and Venus Oct 28th to November 21st. When there are no planets in an air sign communications can become difficult. The element of air connects us to each other. It is literally the air that we all breathe.

This changes on December 17th once Saturn moves into Aquarius followed by Jupiter on December 19th. This promises a solution to the dilemma.

Solar Eclipse

Far more important that this partial lunar eclipse is the Solar Eclipse at the New Moon on December 14th as it activates The Galactic Centre.

The Sun is now in Sagittarius, so during the month it will be forming a positive relationship to Mars in Aries. This is exact on December 11th. Fire signs are optimistic, they have an enthusiasm for life and a natural warmth which makes them very popular.

The element of fire gets on well with air signs. That translates as the fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius get on well with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Fake News

Now that the lunar nodes are travelling through Gemini and Sagittarius, it focus us all on communication (Gemini) and our beliefs (Sagittarius). With the current President Donald Trump – a Sun sign Gemini – soon to vacate the White House will Twitter no longer be a part of everyday life for President Elect Joe Biden?

Donald Trump has Mercury in a challenging aspect to Neptune- hence he believes what he says is true. Its a perfect signature for the world of advertising, for a spin doctor, but has resulted in his obsession with anything he doesn’t agree with being called ‘fake news’ and excessive tweets.

If- like me -you are an avid watcher of The Crown series on Netflix, you may be confused about what is true and what is fiction. This is especially important with the plotline of the marriage of Charles and Diana. It implies that Charles was unfaithful right from the start of the marriage. This has been believed by many viewers as being true and resulted in Camilla being trolled on Twitter.

From the internet:-

Charles and Camilla have insisted they were merely friends and remained platonic until the Waleses’ marriage had ‘irrevocably broken down’.

David Dimbleby’s 1997 biography backs up the claim, stating there was ‘virtually no contact’ between Charles and Camilla between 1981 and 1986, although they did continue to mix in the same social circles.

Key Dates

Full Moon in Gemini partial eclipse 30th November at 9.29am GMT.

Sun in Sagittarius from 21st November until 21st November when it moves into Capricorn, the Winter Solstice.

New Moon Total Eclipse at 23 degrees Sagittarius on 14th December at 16.16 GMT.

Mercury is in Scorpio until 1st December when it changes sign into Sagittarius.

Venus is in Scorpio. It’s a Morning Star and moved into Scorpio on 21st November. It stays until 15th December when it moves into Sagittarius.

Mars is now direct in the fire sign of Aries the sign it rules so is strong. The warrior planet will be spending over 5 months in Aries. Watch out for fires, anger issues accelerating and riots. It will change sign into Taurus on 6th January.

Jupiter is now direct in Capricorn on 13th September. Think how the mountain goat is so agile as it climbs and you get the idea.  This period is a time to launch any projects involving teaching. It moves into Aquarius on 19th December for approx. 11 months.

Saturn is direct in Capricorn. It moves into Aquarius on 17th December. This ends two and a half years of Saturn in Capricorn so comes as a welcome relief for all Capricorns.

Uranus in Taurus is now retrograde activating 6-10 degrees Taurus. Make some practical changes in your life and throw out anything that doesn’t bring you joy!

Neptune The Dreamer moves direct on 29th November. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate.  Neptune has been retrograde for 5 months since June 23rd, so we now have an opportunity to bring our dreams into manifestation. Trust your intuition.

Pluto in Capricorn is direct. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. However it becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38.



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  • Owning Your Inner Masculine Self
  • Developing Your Mind
  • Your Special Edge
  • Nurturing and Creating a Home
  • Meeting the World on Your Terms
  • Opening Your Heart
  • Power Issues: Sex, Money and Control
  • Embracing Your Divine Self

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Also find out out about the deeper, more complex aspects of the feminine as shown by the 12 Goddesses in your birth chart.