Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022

To understand what’s going on at this lunar eclipse in Scorpio- watch the news

We are now at the end of the eclipse season with a Full Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio with the Sun in Taurus.

This lunar eclipse happens 2 weeks after the partial solar eclipse on April 30th. It is  highly likely that you have witnessed a lunar eclipse more than once in your lifetime.  

The lunar eclipse in Scorpio is significant as its on May 16th and Saturn in Aquarius forms the exact challenging square to the eclipse. This is karmic. 

Headline news is that Elon Musk may well back away from his deal buying Twitter. No surprise as Mercury is now retrograde!

Plus in the UK we celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The Queen’s birth date is April 21st 1926. She has the Sun in Taurus with the generous and warm hearted Moon in Leo. Her ascendant is Capricorn, so her chart ruler is Saturn – the planet of duty and responsibility -which is at her MC (the top of her chart). This is a signature that indicates her long reign and her commitment to her duty and to her vocation to her work.

 Full Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

Think back 19 years to understand the significance of this lunar eclipse in Scorpio your life. That was in 2003. What did you need to let go of  back then? What changed in your life?

Scorpio is about regeneration, so not all endings are bad. Remember as a sign it rules the scorpion, the eagle and the dove/phoenix. However letting go as a healing principle isn’t easy. Pam specialises in coaching as a way to reclaim your gifts.

‘Bad’ Karma

Karma means that bad decisions in the past are coming home to roost. In my consultations I can offer a healing process working with Healing Cards by Chuck Spezzano to help you become aware of the Conspiracies that are holding you back and the Gifts that are hiding underneath. Email me to book a consultation with this as your focus

Earth Signs-Paying Attention to Karma

At the full Lunar eclipse the Sun and Moon are both at 25 degrees and aspected by a powerful Saturn in Aquarius.

Saturn is the Lord of Karma and co-rules both Capricorn and Aquarius. Aquarius is an air sign and concerned with networks and community.

On May 28th Venus enters fellow earth sign of Taurus where it is ‘at home’ so a positive boost for you.

Water Signs- Mars joins Neptune-Feeling Overwhelmed?

For a couple of days every two years Mars joins Neptune, so this is important. Mars is not comfortable in the water sign of Pisces. However it can act as the dancer of dreams, the spiritual warrior and activate the desire to pray. As I cautioned, be aware of scams and anything that looks too good to be true.

Air Signs- Lighten up-don’t let Saturn bring you down

As we enter the last weeks of May, Mercury is now retrograde in its own sign of Gemini. The messenger planet went retrograde on May 10th at 5 degrees Gemini and then goes back into Taurus on May 23rd. It returns to Gemini on June 13th.

As Mercury is now retrograde keep patient if tech stuff plays up and if you can, avoid signing contracts at this time. Read the small print! Saturn is still in Aquarius and is in close T square with the Nodal axis. Saturn can act in two ways, procrastination and depression, or once the past is healed and the burden lifted it becomes mature and is the planet of Mastery. Mercury in Gemini promotes humour but can be the Trickster. The Sun enters Gemini on May 21st, the same day that Mercury joins the Sun. This is a day when its best to lie low and not start anything new.

Fire Signs- Welcome the Goddess Venus and King of the Gods Jupiter into Aries

 At this lunar eclipse in Taurus there was just one planet in a fire sign and its Chiron in Aries. Fire signs bring warmth, enthusiasm and lifts us up. Chiron isn’t a planet but a centaur and its vibration to awaken is similar to Uranus except it’s a 50 year orbit as opposed to the 84 years Uranus takes to complete its journey through the sky. Next month at the June New and Full Moons Mars activates Chiron-a time for healing.

Venus moved into Aries on May 2nd. This is the energy of the Warrioress. She’s the pioneer who fights for a cause. Expect women to take the lead and coming into the forefront in politics. In the US the leak about the Supreme Court revoking Roe versus Wade and the laws on abortion has women marching across the country supporting women’s right to choose what happens to their bodies. Venus joins Chiron at this Lunar Eclipse.

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. in 1973, was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the U.S. Constitution protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction. It struck down many U.S. state and federal abortion laws. Wikipedia

The ruling ended on Jan 22nd 1973 when Chiron was at the exact same degrees of 13 Aries as it is now!

Once Mars enters Aries on May 24th it’s full steam ahead.

Eclipse Season

Eclipses are turning points and the Lunar Eclipse on May 16th is the one to watch. It happens at 25 degrees Scorpio/Taurus. Ask where is Taurus in your chart? What house (areas of life’s activity) can it promote? Here’s a link to the page Houses in Astrology>

Slower Moving Planets

Jupiter: The Explorer/Teacher in Aries
Where Jupiter is placed in your chart is where you find your Faith. Jupiter is now in Aries from May 10th until it re-enters Pisces on October 29th until December 20th 2022. As Aries is the first fire sign it’s the Pioneer and activates all 3 fire signs:- Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Saturn: The Strategist/Authority in Aquarius
It is now in Aquarius, a sign it co-rules with Uranus. The theme of last year is Saturn in a tense relationship (a square) with Uranus. This is now over.

Instead we see Saturn creating a T square with the nodal axis. This is very karmic and letting go of the past is the key to work well with this energy, especially healing ancestral patterns. Saturn goes retrograde on June 4th so this aspect will be relevant until the end of June.

Neptune: The Dreamer/Visionary in Pisces
The date that is most important was April 12th when Jupiter joined Neptune in Pisces. Next is Mars joining Neptune on May 18th. See above.

Uranus- The Renegade/Awakener in Taurus
Uranus takes approx 7 years to go through a sign and always brings change/revolution. It is the planet that rules inventions and genius. Its now in Taurus (May 2018-April 2026 approx.) and we are witnessing the alarming news about climate change. Taurus is ruled by Venus, and as it’s an earth sign, we are now concerned with agriculture, our food chain and an awakening to our planet’s resources. In our daily lives Uranus wants to shake thing up and cut out old wood.

Pluto-The Transformer/Regenerator in Capricorn
Pluto is the slowest moving planet and currently travelling through Capricorn from 2008 until 2024. It is the God of the Underworld, buried power and the unconscious. It is assigned to Scorpio who also have Mars as their ruler. The transit of Pluto in Capricorn calls for deconstruction of the establishment and institutions. It went retrograde on April 29th until October 9th.

Recent Testimonial

You have given me so much to think about, from discovering my rising sign at last to an introduction to Mayan astrology. It was a fantastic afternoon of discovery about myself and my roots and my potential. I am following up on the reading list (thank you so much for the suggestions – brilliant) and slowly coming to terms with my new persona. The sheer breadth of the reading was really eye opening, as I thought I knew a fair amount about astrology but you opened new pathways for me. So I would warmly recommend a reading with Pam; discovering so many unexpected links and connections has meant that many things are resonating and bells are still ringing!

Thank you so much! All the very best, Marie-Ann

I have updated the freebie of the Key Dates for the New and Full Moons in 2022. It is sent out to all my subscribers.

blessings, Pam x

Your Spiritual Path Report Now on Sale!

This report tells you about past life lessons that are brought forward into this life.

Our spiritual character and needs are defined at birth. Yet from that same moment, forces around us begin to exert sometimes overwhelming influences on the direction of our spiritual development. Though well intended, these forces may move us along a path contrary to our own best interests.

This conflict between your inner spiritual being and outside forces may cause a dissonance that vibrates negatively through every aspect of your life. Learning to identify and acknowledge the characteristics that define your innermost self is the first step in achieving the inner peace you seek.

This report does not attempt to define your spiritual goals or offer philosophical opinions about what they should be. Rather, it provides an unbiased perspective on the characteristics that define who you are on a spiritual level.

More importantly, it gives you a clear understanding of how to best nurture and develop those characteristics that enhance your progress toward spiritual maturity.

“The voice within us will not be denied. It continues to drive us, inspiring us to change and grow.”

It aims to answer the questions:

  • What am I here for?
  • What is the best way for me to connect with my spirituality?
  • How are my struggles related to past life actions?

There are many ways to bring spirituality into one’s life. This report seeks to give you insight into what works best for you from a spiritual point of view. What challenges must you overcome to live a full life and what qualities you can depend on to get through the tough places.

In line with Pam’s philosophy, this report speaks about one’s whole life from the spiritual point of view.

It covers all the planets and focuses on the 4th, 8th, 9th and 12th houses as they apply to spiritual development.

Author, Stephanie Clement has a PhD in transpersonal psychology. She makes frequent use of the Jungian model – intuition, sensation, thinking and feeling – as they correspond to the astrological elements of fire, earth, air and water.

Your Spiritual Path speaks to the challenge between living a spiritual life and the pull of the world that can take us off our true path.
It contains lots of wisdom about living a spiritual life as well as keys to one’s particular formula for living fully as symbolized in the natal chart.

Your Spiritual Path Report includes:

  • Your Creative Process  – Core Beliefs
  • Communication and Mental Development
  • Self-Esteem & Development of Spiritual Partnerships
  • Doubt, Resistance, and Development of Psychic Ability
  • Death & Transformation as Spiritual Processes
  • Development of Intuition
  • The Midheaven: Self-Awareness and the Use of Intuition
  • Karma & Dharma
  • Transcendent Values ~ Your Spiritual Persona
  • Expressing Spirituality in the World

“This report is very popular because it speaks directly to one’s innermost layers. People who have a spiritual outlook on life often find that this report reaches directly into the core of their being. That’s very good for a computer generated report.” Mark McDonough President Astrodatabank

“Thanks very much for the report. I was amazed at how many things were so pertinent to me. It is very accurate in so many respects.” Chris

Aspects of the Moon

Your higher values radiate from you in the form of spiritual vision. Your actions become more and more consistent with your inner values. You demand discipline from yourself, and you expect it in others. You may have had harsh teachers.

Your spiritual path focuses on compassion for others, and you have to develop compassion for yourself as well. When others provoke fear in you, look also for the love they struggle to express.

Your inner spirit functions easily on the intuitive plane, as you are able to identify and listen to the voice that guides your interactions with others to both their highest good and your own. You can feel change coming long before it arrives.”

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Your information is entered by hand so will be delivered as quickly as possible. Please allow 24 hours in the working week, longer at weekends. The Report will be emailed to you as a PDF file.