Mars in Capricorn joins Pluto- Activate your Inner Warrior

Mars moved into Capricorn on October 26th and stays until December 4th 2014.
Mars is now in focus as it joins Pluto this week, then activates Uranus. Uranus and Pluto are two outer planets that are moving together to form their 6th square on December 15th.
This tension of planets that represent revolution (Uranus) and transformation (Pluto) at the deepest level, has been the ongoing theme since June 2012.
We are now in the final stages- the worst is over!
Mars in Capricorn is exalted, and together with Pluto exchanges sign with Saturn. The aim is letting go and restructuring with a solid foundation. This is an excellent week to finally instigate profound changes, especially in the area of your life indicated by the house Mars and Pluto are transiting in your birthchart.
As Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, step by step is the way to plan to achieve your ambition. Have you ever watched a mountain goat (the symbol of Capricorn) steadily and nimbly climbing up a rocky mountain side?
If you are self employed this is the best time of year to restructure your business, especially with Mercury now in Mars sign of Scorpio.
Keywords for Mars/Uranus- The Tower
The Tower card in the tarot relates to Mars, but has the quality of dramatic change of Mars combined with Uranus.
- Using our will and courage- Mars – to initiate change
- Purification and urging of toxins in all areas of your life
- Revolutionary cleansing of your being
- Burning up negativity
- The Alchemist’s furnace
- Metamorphosis
If we avoid this process of transmutation we stay stuck and may project our frustration and anger onto others. In the tarot the next step is The Star representing luminosity and the light.
So the question is, do you have the courage to be The Star you came to be?
Sweet Dreams
Many planetary aspects occur in the early hours in the UK. As Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, this is a good week to gather information from your subconscious mind.
Just before you go to sleep, ask to remember your dreams and keep a dream journal by your bed. Dreams just before you wake can give answers to your questions.
Plus if you are sensitive to Neptune, you may feel the shift as it moves forward at 4 degrees of Pisces next Sunday.
Planetary Aspects

Sat Nov 8th 23.08 Mercury into Scorpio. (On Monday Mercury will finish its shadow period which began on October 5th at 2 degrees Scorpio.)
Sun Nov 9th 20.41 Venus in Scorpio square Jupiter in Leo. Watch out for women versus the law in the news.
Mon Nov 10th at 23.06: Mars joins Pluto in Capricorn. (See above)
Wed 12th Nov at 3.38am Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (dreams, see above)
Thurs Nov 13th at 00.37 Mars sextile Chiron
at 1.02am Venus conjunct Saturn in Scorpio-commit to who and what you love. Good financial investments.
1.28am Mars square Uranus (The Tower, see above)
Fri Nov 14th at 3.05am Sun in Scorpio square Jupiter-power struggles as both are fixed signs. Would you rather be right or happy?
at 15.15 Waning last quarter square Moon in Leo
Sun 16th Nov at 7.05am Neptune direct in Pisces
13.56 Mercury sextile Pluto
19.03 Venus into Sagittarius. Venus starts the move into the fiery sign of Sagittarius, the Sun will follow on November 22nd.
The Moon travels from Gemini starting Nov 8th at 1.44
into Cancer on Monday at 8.37
into Leo on Wednesday at 18.44
into Virgo on Saturday at 7.08
GOOD NEWS FOR SCORPIOS This is the last full month of Saturn in Scorpio, on December 23rd it moves into Sagittarius.
Uranus Square Pluto Dates

If you have a planet at any of these degrees then you have had to make changes in your life.
No-one like the unexpected, however change brings evolution and growth. Pluto is symbolised by the volcano and volcanic soil is extremely fertile.
If your life has been in turmoil, then use this week’s Mars energy to go for it- initiate change and ride the planetary wave.
- Uranus square Pluto June 24th 2012 ~ 8º Aries/8º Capricorn
- Uranus square Pluto September 19th 2012 ~ 6º Aries/6º Capricorn
- Uranus square Pluto May 20th 2013 ~ 11º Aries/11º Capricorn
- Uranus square Pluto November 1st 2013 ~ 9º Aries/9º Capricorn
- Uranus square Pluto April 21st 2014 ~ 13º Aries/13º Capricorn
- Uranus square Pluto December 15th 2014 ~ 12º Aries/12º Capricorn
- Uranus square Pluto March 17th 2015 ~ 15º Aries/15º Capricorn
Special Offer!
I have been experimenting with shorter consultations and found them to be highly rewarding for the clients. These are 2 testimonials when we focused on the Nodes in the birthchart after the Solar Eclipse in late October:-
“Dear Pam, I want you to know how much I appreciate our session today!
It feels wonderful to be able to see more of the bigger picture of my life. Thank you for all of the information and for the beautiful healing, and for helping me share it with my mother and father – such a blessing!! I have been working on healing my pain and confusion surrounding my relationships with myself, my mother and father and this was truly a day of transformation for all concerned.
Thank you for this wonderful gift and for helping me establish with/for myself my mission – I intend to connect people to God through my artwork. Life is good.
I want to thank you for sharing your gift’s with me and setting a great example of someone who loves what they do for a living. I intend to follow your lead and allow myself to do what I love and love what I do.
I am really feeling so much better and thank you again for such a wonderful session.” Colleen
“Dear Pam, it is really hard to put into words how I feel about what happened this afternoon.
Blessed might be the best and only one I need to use!
I have been trying to piece things together for a while now. Some extraordinary things have happened to me this year and I knew that things were reaching a crescendo. I was trusting the process and the Universe and trying to go with the flow. I love it when things happen that you really don’t expect! A massive heartfelt thank you for helping me at this stage of my journey and uncovering some fascinating information for me.
I felt so incredibly different afterwards and know that what happened today was very significant.
I love that you are so passionate about what you do. Thank you for sharing that passion with me and opening up a whole new world for me to explore. The future is so exciting!” Carolyn
Book your 75 minute Consultation now for just £65
You can now book an astrology consultation of 75 minutes with me for the special offer price of £65.
This is a focused session concentrating on your Soul’s Purpose as shown by the Nodes in your chart. In this session we can heal the story of your core past lifetime that is holding you back.