New Moon in Gemini with ruler Mercury
The New Moon is in Gemini is ruled by Mercury. So what is Mercury up to?
Mercury can either be the Trickster/ Thief or the Storyteller/ Magician.
Just a few days after the New Moon in Gemini, the Sun moves into Cancer at the Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere. So its officially Summer.
Venus is in Leo along with Mars
Both Venus and Mars are in Leo, the Archetype of the King/Queen. So we have a double dose of Leo energy. Venus is currently an Evening Star- the brightest object in the sky after the Moon. It entered Leo on June 5th. It can be seen after dark as it rises higher in the night sky. Its an impressive sight. Venus is the diamond in the sky, so brighter than Jupiter.
Look to the west after sunset to see it. On June 22nd the crescent Moon will join Venus in the early evening sky. This is the most beautiful sight and in the story of Inanna it opens the Crown chakra, the Divine Feminine.
Time to wish upon a Star. This is important so make it count! The planet of love will be moving from Evening Star to Morning Star so we won’t see it this bright for another 18 months. At this New Moon in Gemini Venus is also in a sextile, a positive flow of energy to Mercury.
What do you wish for?
Is it Success? Abundance? Better relationships with your family? Improved health? Look out for the signs from the Universe to give you clues as to how you can achieve your goals. Or maybe its peace?
Peace comes from meditating, from mindfulness if only a few minutes a day to commune with nature. For some of us it’s a walk, or maybe its doing the washing-up. Any activity that takes us out of our negative mindset.
Gemini Qualities
Key words are:– Ideas, metaphors, information, multi tasking, wit, details, logic, making connections, creating narrative, to connect, to synthesis to communicate. Many Geminis are journalists, storytellers working in the media.
The shadow is being scattered, hyper-active, talking too much, exaggerating and stretching the facts. They can spin reality, sharing every rumour without checking the facts. Its The Gossip.The tabloid press in the UK comes to mind! Plus 2 well known Gemini politicians in both the UK and USA.
Famous Geminis
King Henry VIII, Queen Victoria, Alice Bailey, John F Kennedy, Prince Philip, Marilyn Monroe, Ian Fleming, Enoch Powell, Judy Garland, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, to name a few. Note how many are wordsmiths! Geminis love language and are born writers.
Jupiter moved into Taurus on May 16th
Jupiter the greater benefic is now direct and it moves into Taurus for an entire year on May 16th until May 26th 2024. This is wonderful news for Taurus and Scorpio. Jupiter is the planet of faith, faith in life, that life is worth living. It takes 12 years to go around the zodiac, so look back 12 years to understand its influence in your chart. It is the biggest planet in our solar system and Jupiter is Zeus, King of the Gods. It brings good luck, expansiveness and the feel good factor. It truly is the planet of abundance, especially now its in the earth sign of Taurus.
Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus, and it promotes all activities connected to the earth such as gardening, music, farming, art, material wealth and all good things on the physical plane. It promotes cleaning and using Marie Kondo’s methods of letting go of anything that doesn’t bring you joy. Taurus is also compatible with the emotional water signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Fellow earth signs Virgo and Capricorn also benefit from Jupiter’s gaze.
Pluto and Transformation
The other main news this week is that Pluto is now retrograding back into Capricorn. This is a clear up time for transformation. Then next year it will start its journey through Aquarius, This is slow and takes approx 19 years to complete until January 2024.
Chiron and Healing Your Core Sacrifice Story
Chiron in Aries- the archetype of the Wounded Healer – is activated at this New Moon in Gemini, with a flow of energy to Mars in Leo. Old wounds need healing, especially those wounds we encountered in our family of birth. In my coaching I explore these issues with clients as they can often be seen in the birth chart in relationship to the Moon and the karmic axis.
If your answer is yes, then a coaching session with me using process cards can help.
I offer spiritual coaching to my clients and have a couple of places available this month. My latest testimonial from a long standing client who has just landed her dream job.
“Working with Pam is life-affirming. She has the amazing talent of getting to the heart of any troubling matter. Her kindness and compassion are deeply infused in her unique offering and in subtle and profound ways the breakthroughs occur. I highly recommend attending one of unique workshops or booking a 1:1 coaching session. You will never look back but will move forward with the knowledge that the ancient art of astrology both Western and Vedic really does transform your life under her guidance.” Julia
Key Dates June-It’s a Busy Month!
- June 4th Full Moon in Sagittarius
- June 5th Venus enters Leo until October 9th as it goes retrograde
- June 11th Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn.
- June 11th Mercury enters Gemini.
- June 17th Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces at 7 degrees.
- June 18th New Moon in Gemini
- June 21st Sun enters Cancer at the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere
- June 27th Mercury enters Cancer
- June 30th Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces at 27 Degrees.
Saturn in Pisces
The second most important event of the year started on March 7th when Saturn-Lord of Karma – entered Pisces for the next two and a half years. This ended two and a half years of Saturn in Aquarius so comes as a welcome relief for all Aquarians and the other fixed signs of Leo and Scorpio. Water signs will now benefit as will the earth signs.
Saturn gets a bad press as its nature is heavy representing gravity and reality. To work with Saturn is the key. In the Vedic system the remedy for Saturn is being of service and supporting charities through our direct involvement. Saturn rules time, so once we give of our time and effort we can reap the reward. It is also Mastery as the effort we put in makes us a master.
Uranus in Taurus is now direct activating 18 degrees Taurus. Make some practical changes in your life and throw out anything that doesn’t bring you joy! (It went direct on January 22nd.)
Neptune The Dreamer is now direct but goes retrograde this month. In Pisces it favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. We now have an opportunity to bring our dreams into manifestation. Trust your intuition.
Pluto moved back into Capricorn on June 11th. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. However it becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38. It moved into Aquarius briefly on March 23rd until June 11th 2023. However it only transits 0 degrees 22 mins Aquarius so not a major transit.

Creating Abundance Healing Workshop June 24th.
Just 3 places left so still time to book!
On this magical day you’ll be participating in group rituals connected to the 4 elements and the Goddess energy of this stunningly beautiful venue.
Connecting with Goddess Energy in a Magical Setting
The focus of this Creating Abundance Healing Workshop is to help you clear up the unfinished business of the past, so you can fully embrace your soul’s purpose to be happy.
The Summer Solstice on June 21st is a time for celebration. A time to feel the joy. A time to receive the miracles that Heaven wants to bring you. The energy lasts for 3 days as the Sun stands still as seen from earth.
Recharge your batteries, open and heal your heart and connect with your Muse on an inspirational day in the most idyllic venue.