On the day of a Partial Solar Eclipse its wise not to start anything new.
It’s an excellent time for meditation and connecting to your inner Magician or Sorceress. Choose tarot cards to gain insight into what this New Moon Partial eclipse means for you.
This New Moon is in the idealistic, humanitarian and community orientated sign of Aquarius.With a cluster of energy in the sign of Aquarius it connects us to groups where we feel supported and to friends that we love.
The eclipse degree of 27 degrees Aquarius/Leo is activated for the next 6 months. In that time Mercury will activate this degree on 16th/17th February and Venus on 7th July.
In my video I question the scandals are currently circulating, with reference to Oxfam. Mars in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, plus Mercury is so close to Sun that facts and wise judgements can be obscured. I ask, is it just all smoke and mirrors?
I will announce my next FREE webinar on the Rebirth of Venus and the current Shamanic Overtone of Aries by the end of the week. It will be on February 22nd at 7.30pm GMT. Discover the key events and influential people who are connected to this rise in feminine power. The connections- starting with women getting the vote in the UK -are awesome!!!
SPECIAL OFFER 2018 SkyLog Transit Report and Year Ahead Planner
Discover the key dates in your personal chart to watch out for in the year ahead
The 2 Personal Astrology 2018 Reports are worth £45 if bought separately. These reports are based on your date, time and place of birth. The first report called ‘Sky Log‘ gives you over 80 pages of in-depth predictions for the 12 months of the coming year.
The author Steven Forrest- a witty Capricorn- has a great style and explains clearly and poetically – with no jargon – what the planetary transits signify for you.
Saturn in Capricorn
Saturn moves into Capricorn on December 20th 2017. It’s a planet of major importance, but has a bad reputation! However Steven shares how it can be used positively. He writes:-
“Saturn is classically viewed as the “bad” planet, the “Greater Malefic.” Don’t believe it! Used correctly, its transits can bring dignity and self-respect.
Essentially, Saturn is about maturity. The part of your life that’s being touched by the Saturnian energies needs to grow up…which, despite the lies we’re all told, is not a process one mysteriously completes on one’s twenty-first birthday. There is an area of your life where you have simply outgrown yourself, at least inwardly.
The task now is to adjust your outward circumstances to reflect the maturity you’ve already attained psychically and invisibly. It is a material problem, not fundamentally a psychological one. To succeed, there is first a need to face reality squarely, even if it’s unsavory. Then to make a hard choice…that is, to reach an emotional bottom line and not be crippled by your awareness of the ambiguities in your situation.
And finally, in a spirit of commitment, persistence, and self-discipline, to claim those circumstances in your life which reflect the hard inner work you’ve been doing over the last few years.
That’s Saturn in general.”
2nd Report: Your Future- At a Glance Monthly and Yearly Planner Transits
Do you want to be able to plan ahead and see at a glance the important transits that affect your chart?
Are you planning any events? Want the best time to run a workshop? Launching a business, a website, a new career? Planning to marry? Are you a healer and want the best dates to meditate? Go on a retreat? Attend a workshop?
‘Solar Writer Transits’ is approx. 32 pages and includes a full colour birthchart and an easy to follow bar graph of the year’s events.