Are you an Empath? If so you may be feeling deep emotions at this Pisces Full Moon that joins Neptune
As the Moon is in Pisces Neptune -planet of illusion- plays a key role at this Full Moon. It’s not every year that the annual Pisces Full Moon joins Neptune.
If you are an empath and highly sensitive then this full moon may be bringing up deep sadness and grief for the events in the world and connection with the stories of people you have never met.
This is called Christ consciousness- a high spiritual state – but it can be overwhelming.
This is significant as Neptune is the God of the Sea, the planet of illusion, blurred boundaries, floods and grief.
The tarot card of The Hanged Man comes to mind. Plus the Pisces card which is the Knight of Cups, called Trust in the Osho Zen tarot.
This card says:-
“Now is the moment to be a bungee jumper without a cord. And it is this quality of absolute trust with no reservations, no safety nets that the Knight of Water demands from us. There is a tremendous sense of exhilaration if we can jump and move into the unknown.”
As the Sun is in Virgo, its ruler Mercury is another key to the theme of this Full Moon which ocurrs at 5.32am BST on Saturday 14th September.
Mercury moves sign from Virgo into Libra just a few hours after the full moon at 8.14am. Then Venus changes sign at 14.42 pm BST. That’s a big change of two of the personal planets in just a few hours.
The most significant theme of this Full Moon is Mars opposite Neptune. This can show up as forgetfulness, or intuitive insights. We can go with the flow, or get lost in a fog of confusion. Take time to be outdoors and keep grounded.
Healing Remedies
This is a month when vibrational medicine such as homeopathy and flower remedies can truly help with deep feelings.
Years ago one of my beloved cats died and I every time I left my flat I was weeping in the street. A wise woman offered me the remedy ignatia and it helped me grieve without being overwhelmed by the emotions. I recommend that you consult a registered homeopath to get the full strength remedy.
“The word loss almost underpins the Ignatia reaction, because they do not cope well with loss. This can be loss of anything important, such as status, a treasured possession, or something they have become attached to.
The most devastating loss, however, is the loss of a loved one, be that a relative, friend, pet or lover. This will fill them with desolation.
They will be aware of the empty hole that is created in their life and they may feel empty inside. They will feel genuinely heartbroken.
Ignatia may be needed when grief is prolonged, or when ailments start following a bereavement, a relationship breakdown, or some other important loss. They get lovesick.
They can also feel upset if they feel that they have failed someone, as if they have failed in their duty. They will dwell on this and agonise about it.”
Major Planetary Changes
Saturn in Capricorn moves forward on September 18th so plans for any projects that you have had on hold for the last 5 months get the go ahead.
Mercury changes sign into Libra on 14th September, focusing us on relationships and diplomacy until 3rd October when it moves into Scorpio.
Venus changes sign into Libra on 14th September until 8th October when it moves into Scorpio.
Mars in Virgo until 4th October, increasing the focus on health and healing, purification, discrimination and getting our priorities sorted.
Mars takes 2 years to travel around the zodiac, so this boost in Virgo’s energy can kick start a health programme, if you need to look at your nutrition and addictions. Its also the perfect time to let go of old possessions and old beliefs that no longer serve you.
Watch my video to find out more,
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