Time to Focus at the Virgo New Moon 2019

The last couple of months has been extremely stressful. We’ve had 2 eclipses and Mercury retrograde in July. In August the combination of Saturn, South Node and Pluto bring up karmic patterns. Now Mars is travelling close to the Sun the heat is on. Anger issue are up and the fires are burning-literally in the Amazon.
This is stormy cosmic weather on a grand scale.
The chart for the Virgo New Moon has 5 planets in Virgo.
Clearing stuff is important to do right now. Virgo energy is ideal for detoxing your life, your ‘stuff ‘ and with Jupiter making difficult aspects, any beliefs that are holding you back.
Virgo’s shadow is that of perfectionism. If you believe nothing’s ever good enough, do you believe that you’re not good enough? The Imposter Syndrome seems to be a hot topic and this is a month to change that belief. Uranus in Taurus making a perfect trine ( a flow of energy) to the 5 planets in Virgo and Uranus is the planet of change.
Note that Mars, the planet of action takes approx. 2 years to go around the zodiac so the New Moon in 2018 didn’t have the same signature.
The good news is that this September Saturn (the taskmaster) moves forward on September 18th. It went retrograde way back in June. Now at long last is the time to give the go ahead to any project that’s been on the back burner .
This also applies to any decision that you’ve been caught in. If you are like me and have a strong streak of perfectionism, then you may have been struggling. As we step into our true power the feelings of being a fraud or a failure are weapons that the ego-that small part of us that wants to play safe, may have been using to hold us back. It’s now well known as the Imposter Syndrome.
A reminder of this famous quote from Marianne Williamson in her book “A Return to Love”:-
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
The major planetary players are all combining to increase our sense of well-being, determination and strength. There is a ‘Grand Earth Trine’ forming with the New Moon and the planets in Virgo with Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. It sets the theme for the month.
Marie Kondo and the Magic of Tidying
Marie wrote a best selling book and is now on Netflix. I watched an episode and loved how she gathered the family together to bless their house. She brought in the energy of sacredness and prayer. It was profound. In astrology Pisces and the planet Neptune bring in Grace and Miracles. This will get activated at the Full Moon on September 14th at 21 Pisces. Notice this is a powerful day with both Venus and Mercury changing signs into Libra on that day.
- New Moon in Virgo at 11.37am BST at 6 degrees Virgo
- Sun in Virgo until September 23rd then it moves into Libra at the Autumn Equinox.
- Mercury in Virgo until September 14th. Then it moves into Libra.
- Venus in Virgo from August 21st until September 14th when it moves into it’s home sign of Libra. Remember that Virgo is the Goddess and the Vestal Virgins were true to themselves. They were Priestesses in the temple of Athena.
- Venus rises as an Evening Star. Venus will be visible after sunset around September 14th as it moves into Libra.
- Shamanic Venus The Moon joins Venus and activates the Root Chakra on Sunday September 29th at 18 degrees Libra. Perfect day for a Goddess Ritual.
- Trine Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces promise healing and spiritual inspiration.
- Grand Earth Trine Sun in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus. Practical, grounded, ambitious. Great for manifesting and committing to the work needed to achieve it. One step at a time, one day at a time.
- Saturn in Capricorn turns direct September 18th. Great news for any project that’s been on the back burner.
- Harvest Full Moon at 21 degrees Pisces September 14th.
- New Moon September 28th in Libra. Diplomatic solutions become possible, once co-operative responsibilty is accepted.
Please watch my YouTube video above as I explain more fully about this New Moon.
In need of personal emotional and spiritual support?
If you have any planet around 6 degrees then this New Moon will be activating it. If you are caught in self attack or not feeling good enough, then I can support and guide you in this process.
This is an ideal time for a consultation. See this page for more information>
For ongoing personal support, I am thoroughly trained in the processes of Psychology of Vision and Chuck Spezzano has been my mentor and teacher since 1994. This work is based on the spiritual principles of A Course in Miracles. Please contact me via my Contact Form, I usually have some spaces each week for clients who need help.
MY BEST SELLER: Karmic Insight Astrology Report to Buy
The Karmic Insight report provides an in-depth look into the soul’s intentions and lessons to be learned in this lifetime.
Gina Ronco interprets the past life reverberations shown in the natal chart. The report clarifies lessons and goals recreated from the past for resolution in this life.
This succinct report concentrates on the planets that are most involved with karmic lessons.
- The Moon carries unresolved past-life issues
- The Sun represents the creative thrust of this life
- Saturn, sometimes referred to as the planet of karma, shows your energetic blockages, weaknesses and fears.
It points to the areas of your life where the most concentrated effort and discipline will be required. If you do the work these will become your areas of greatest strength.
The Karmic insight report also discusses struggles (major hard aspects) and gifts and strengths (major soft aspects) brought forward from past lives.
If you are going through your Saturn return (age 28-31 years, or 55-58 years) then this report is especially useful. Every 7 years Saturn will be triggered, so key ages in your life are 7, 14, 21 and 28, then multiples of 7 thereafter.