Activate Your Emperor at the Aries New Moon

Pam gives her insights into the week ahead as the New Moon shifts us forward, away from the eclipses into the new vibrant energy of the Aries New Moon.
Although the Sun changes sign just a few days later, this Aries New Moon is the seed and sets the tone for the month ahead.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, wanting us to make a fresh start, to take initiative into new territory.
The ruler of Aries is Mars, now in the earth sign Taurus and makes great connections to Pluto and Mercury this week.
Aries is The Emperor in the tarot-the true masculine and partner to The Empress. This is highly relevant as the Sun moves into Taurus (The Empress) on Monday 20th April.
It’s also a week promising beautiful and loving communications as Venus and Mercury are now in each other’s signs.
The Emperor in the Tarot
The Emperor is a builder, and called ‘Son of the Morning’ and ‘Chief among the Mighty’. The sign of Aries is connected with this card and he is Lord of thought and Action, co-parenting with The Empress.

The Osho Zen tarot uses the image of Zeus, breaking free from the chains of limitations.
Osho describes him as a ‘Master of his destiny’. And that ‘he has formed himself by embracing all the colours of the rainbow, emerging from his dark and formless roots of his unconscious past and growing wings to fly’.
The rebel is a positive in that he has discovered his own true nature and the eagle is his spirit animal, a messenger between earth and sky.
The eagle is a symbol of Zeus, the King of the Gods and Jupiter.
This rebel challenges us to be courageous enough to take responsibility for who we are and to live our truth. It is an apt description of the current 7 year cycle of Uranus in Aries.
The great Emperor Alexander the Great is pictured in The Voyager tarot. James Wanless writes about this archetype:
“As the Father and Aries, this is the pioneer. Father a new world for yourself and others. Your ambitions and inspirations compel you to move ahead on new plans and visions. Be a mover and a shaker, an initiator and a doer.
To build your empire, possess the mental clarity of the eagle, the emotional strength of the whale and the physical energy of the ram.
To achieve your clearly defined goal, have the leadership, will, decisiveness, daring and organisation of the great kings.”
“I have the willpower, discipline and ambition to take the first steps on the path to meet my highest goals.”

Sun into Taurus
The Sun moves into Taurus on 20th at 9.41UT (10.41 BST). This is a month –until May 21st – to enjoy the beauty of nature and all earthly pleasures! Ruled by Venus, Taurus is a peace loving sign, however it’s also a fixed sign, so it can be stubborn.
As Venus is currently travelling through Gemini, this is the flirty side of Venus, highly sociable and curious to try new things.
As Mercury is in Taurus there is an exchange of energy, so emphasising this flexibility and willingness to see another person’s point of view.
Power Day
The best day this week to forge ahead and put effort into long term plans is 21st as Mars makes a positive trine to Pluto. As both are in earth signs, this is a day to make sure you do something practical to manifest your heart’s desires.
Wish upon a Star
Watch the night sky on Sunday 26th at the first quarter moon in Leo as it passes below Jupiter high in the southwest. As Jupiter represents great good fortune, joy, and faith in the future this is the perfect time to wish upon a star.