Feb 15th: Sacred Event as Mercury Retrograde Enters the Heart of the Sun
A sacred event occurs when Mercury (retrograde in Aquarius) joins the Heart of the Sun on Saturday 15th February at 20.22 GMT.
Mercury is the psychpomp – the only planet that can go in and out of the Underworld at will. It’s the Guide to the Unconscious- the Psychotherapist, or Soul Astrologer.
The Sun is the King, so Mercury is entering the Throne Room of the King.
According to astrologer Demetra George
“Not dissimilar to the eye of the hurricane, this is a realm filled with a sublime peace, radiance, and calm. This as a place of beneficence, where the planet is infused with the generative power of the Sun, catalysing its rebirth.”
In the video Pam describes the Vedic view of this sacred event as the lunar mansion is called Dhanishta, its symbol the drum or flute as played by Krishna.
In it Pam describes the tension and stress at this full moon, and the Flooding crisis in the Uk.
Water represents emotions, and floods are the outpouring of our collective grief and sadness.
It’s no accident that this is the anniversary of 100 years since since the start of WWI.
We hold a memory in our national psyche of those tragic years when sadness engulfed the country.
Over the last week Saturn in Scorpio has formed a square to the Sun resulting in a tough time for the fixed signs- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
Patience has been sorely tested. Watch the video for more insights. I speak faster than I can write!

Manifesting Change and Embracing your Power
Weekend Workshop led by Pam Carruthers and Deborah Labuschagne
DATE: March 1st/2nd VENUE The Unicorn Inn, Deddington Market Square, Oxon OX15 0SE
This is an invitation to participate in a weekend of healing for manifesting change
Remember the moment you gave up on yourself and your dreams?
Do you to manifest change in your life and embrace your power again?
This is your opportunity to take a giant step forward and win back your power.
Our workshop focuses on:-
- Winning back your heart
- Set goals and intentions to manifest change – thoughts become things!
- Meditation and guided visualisation to create your dream life
- Discover your forgotten soul gifts
- Learn practical tools to take away and use in your everyday life
How are you feeling right now?
- Are you stuck? Feel you can’t move forward however hard you try?
- Is your relationship, or career, just treading water?
- Are you feeling like giving up? Burnt out and exhausted?
- Caught up in busyness? Feel like a fraud or failure?
- Are you sabotaging yourself?
- Feeling grief, sadness, despair?
These are all signs that you are caught in the ‘dead zone’. This is a stage we all go through many times on our spiritual journey.
The temptation is to give everything up, throw in the job, ditch the relationship, move house.
However the problem remains, and will resurface after a short period of time because its not an external problem but an inner one.
The underlying principle is that there’s a fear of the next step which is a birth into co-creativity and a whole new level of success and happiness.
This workshop focuses on discovering the underlying pattern, on healing the time when we gave up and lost our power.
Each person will be involved in the processes and have individual attention. Maximum group size is 12.
This workshop is over.
Happy Valentines Pam, love is worldwide 🙂
Awesome! Thank you Pam. Really enlightening and so fascinating!