July Full Moon- an emotional test
This July full moon is a humdinger as the Sun and Mars in Cancer are opposed by the Full Moon and Pluto in Capricorn.
It has a Scorpio feel, intense, passionate and tough. It’s a test of emotional strength and endurance. It’s the courage to dig deep to access our authentic power in the face of adversity.
Taking action to care for those who are weaker is the blessing, power struggles and bullying (or being bullied) is the negative result.
Are you reeling as a result of this high tension which has been building all week? The full moon effect lasts until the next New Moon.
A soul astrology consultation with Pam can reveal your gifts, your strengths and heal your wounds.
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Hidden Beliefs
Pluto is the planet that rules the underworld- all that lies buried and hidden. As such it connects us to the unconscious.
As Jung said “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
My purpose is to make the unconscious safe; to reveal to my clients that -just in the stories- the dragon sits on the treasure.
The treasure is our soul level gifts that the small part of us- the ego/dragon – wants to remain buried and hidden.
I love the meditations of Deepak Chopra with Oprah Winfrey.
This week I tuned into one of his meditations and re-read this.
“Hidden beliefs are limiting, fearful beliefs we hold about ourselves and others. Once we bring these hidden beliefs to light, they begin to dissolve and lose their power over us. The core beliefs that affirm our true nature then begin to shine through and light our way.
Write down some of the self-limiting beliefs you might have that are holding you back. These could be beliefs like, “I’m not smart enough to do this,” or “Why bother trying since no one cares anyway?”
The light of the moon can shine into our darkest places to reveal our strengths and dispel our limiting beliefs. This is the theme of this full moon.
I believe that there is no one alive who had not felt grief, loss, hurt and pain. We have all endured adversity. It’s part of the human condition. We all have wounds as shown by Chiron in our birth charts. It’s our job, our soul purposes to heal them.