The New Moon in Libra is opposite electrifying Uranus
Having a hard time sleeping? Is your mind buzzing with new ideas?
A New Moon is the seed for the coming month, so seeing the connections that planets make at each New Moon helps us to understand the process of the month.
- The Libra New Moon opposite Uranus connects us to the planet of Genius but also to Chaos.
- Mercury is now direct at the beginning of Libra, retracing its steps since September 28th.
- Venus now joins Mars and Jupiter in the sign of Virgo. As a planet enters a sign it will come into contact with Saturn, Neptune and Pluto in turn.
- Grounding, not being taken off track and reclaiming true power are just a few of the themes of this month.
The movie ‘Suffragette’ the story of the struggle for women getting the vote, has just been released in the UK and its fits perfectly with the transit of Uranus in Aries.
The principal photography began on 24 February 2014 when Jupiter in Cancer (ruled by the Moon) opposed Pluto in Capricorn (the establishment) forming a T square with Uranus in Aries (revolution).
It is the first film in history to be shot in the Houses of Parliament, done with the permission of MPs.
Emmeline Pankhurst was born with freedom loving Uranus joined with Jupiter in Gemini. Perfect for a spokesperson with a mission. At the turn of the century Pluto (transformation) was transiting through Gemini which totally changed her life.
Libra and Uranus
In the colour wheel, Libra is green, and is ruled by Venus the planet of relationships. Uranus currently resides in Aries, in the opposite colour red, and is ruled by Mars.
Interestingly Venus and Mars are joining for the third time this month, urging us to integrate the feminine and masculine energies within us. This helps us balance career with relationships, sexuality with love.
This bodes well for our relationships, because by coming into balance ourselves we attract others who are also aligned. That’s the Law of Attraction.
Virgo, Olive and Healing

With 3 planets in Virgo, health and work are also in focus. Virgo’s principle is discernment and discrimination. On the colour wheel it relates to olive green, which symbolises feminine leadership in Aura-Soma.
Olive is the fruit of the olea tree. It supplies us with olives to eat and oil for cooking.
Ancient Greeks presumed olive trees as sacred, and according to Aristotelis, anyone found destroying the trees was punished by death.
It was a symbol of peace and who ever offered it was accepted with respect. The best way of demonstrating peace during war times was for each war leader giving an olive branch to the other one.
In ancient times, olive oil was used in lamps. It has a pleasant, sweet scent when burned, and it is the cleanest oil for lamps.
Healing Your Birth Story FREE MasterClass
“If you have a problem in your life that seems impossible to get through, it could well have originated before your birth.”

Dr. Chuck Spezzano (co-founder of Psychology of Vision) discovered that there is a direct link between your conception and your birth.
This MasterClass explores your astrology birth chart from an exciting and unique viewpoint – your conception.
The 9th house cusp is the Conception point in your birth chart. It contains a huge amount of vital information.
Its ruler, aspects to it and planets in the 9th give fascinating insights into the nature of your Soul’s Purpose for incarnation and what you have come to heal.
This is backed up by Pam in her experience with hundreds of participants on her workshops over the last 10 years and in her work as a consulting astrologer.
On this MasterClass webinar discover:-
- How the Colour Wheel helps you understand the houses in your astrology chart.
- The link between the 9th House and conception and the 12th house and birth.
- Journey in the womb and numerology.
- Saturn in Sagittarius and lessons to be learnt around Faith and Trust.
- Guided Meditation to help you find your Inner Guide.
DATE: 22nd October at 7.30pm London Time (BST).
2.30pm New York. 11.30am Los Angeles.
Click here to sign up for FREE WEBINAR Healing Your Birth Story

Buy your personal Colour Wheel Astrology Chart for just £5
Each month Pam makes a YouTube video using the colour wheel. Having your own personal chart will greatly help you understand what area of your life is being activated. Also included is a PDF to print describing the 12 Houses.
Healing Your Birth Story Workshop Oct 31st/Nov 1st
There are now just 3 places left on this workshop. Find out more>