Aim High-Set Worthy Goals
This week I encourage you to aim high and set worthy goals that resonate with your heart’s desire. We are approaching a lunar eclipse, a time to let go of the past.
As we start the week Venus is strong, however the Sun will be hiding under a veil as it joins the south node. If you are a leader, you may feel unappreciated. Plus Monday sees both Mercury and Mars about to change signs. Please watch the video for more insights.
This is relevant if you are Aries, Scorpio, Gemini or Virgo as these are your ruling planets.
Wait until Thursday before blowing your trumpet!
Wheel of Fortune
However on Thursday at 18.20 BST the Sun makes a positive trine to mighty Jupiter-King of the gods.
This is the cosmic Wheel of Fortune -aim high and set big juicy goals. It’s a day to celebrate being alive on planet earth at this time. Plus Mercury trines Saturn that day, so we are also being asked to get focused and be practical.
Put your goal(s) down in your journal and review them every day.
Worthy Goals
On Day 1 of Deepak Chopra’s current 21 day meditations on Success, he asked us to align ourselves with our worthy goals. This can take months or years, but it sustains you as it comes from within. The goal can, and should evolve.

His suggestions are:-
- Being of Service
- Love and Compassion
- Promoting Peace
- Teaching Others
- Pursuing Creative Expression
- Promoting Culture
- Exploration and Discovery
- Protecting the Weak
I would add:-
- Healing Relationships
- Clearing the Past
Soul Purpose and Coaching
I believe that these goals can describe our soul’s purpose. I know that mine is to be of service.
Chuck Spezzano, my mentor, teaches that our soul purpose shows itself in childhood. My mother was disabled, so I remember vividly having to help with the housework. We had a coal fire, and I felt like Cinderella having to clean the grate once a week. As a child I was none too happy about this!
However nowadays my mantra is “Who needs my help?” and I truly love being of service.
My question to you is, what’s your worthy goal?
If you know it, but feel stuck, then I can help you. I work with the unconscious part of your mind which has all the answers. I can help you unlock the blocks to your success. Find out more click the button below
Healing the relationship
Teaching others