New Moon in Aries Healing Soul Wounds

New Moon in Aries and Chiron

First I would like to say that I am not a clairvoyant. No-one could have predicted the Covid-19 virus and the extraordinary reaction worldwide to this pandemic.

Since recording my New Moon video, the Uk is now in a virtual lock down. I have been hesitant in publishing my video and I welcome your feed back. I watched it again today and it’s now published.

The advertised presentation is not going ahead on Thursday 26th.

Many astrologers are contributing many theories. One I agree with and is the most significant is the Saturn Pluto conjunction that occurred on 12th January 2020 at 22 degrees 46 mins in Capricorn. This is a major event.

These conjunctions happen every 33 years and are extremely important economic cycles.

The last conjunctions of Saturn and Pluto were:-

  • 4 October 1914 at 2 degrees 14 mins Cancer
  • 1st November 1914 at 2 degrees 04 mins Cancer
  • 19th May 1915 at 0 degrees 54 mins Cancer
  • 11th August 1947 at 13 degrees 07 mins Leo
  • 8th November 1982 at 27 degrees 36 mins Libra

World War 1 began in 1914 and World War 2 ended in 1945.
India and Pakistan independence was on 15th August 1947. There was large-scale violence, with estimates of loss of life accompanying or preceding the partition disputed and varying between several hundred thousand and two million.
The CIA was established in 1947.
International Monetary Fund IMF began in December 1947.

Saturn in Aquarius

Last weekend on 22nd March Saturn changed sign into Aquarius. This is symbolic of restricting freedom.
It stays there until 2nd July as it retrogrades back into Capricorn so we may have some respite from the Covid-9 virus by then.

Solar Eclipse on 26th December 2019

My attention is drawn to the repeating emphasis on 4 degrees -the same degree that was activated at the Solar Eclipse on 26th December 2019 at every New Moon since then. The first case of the virus was recorded on 31st December.

Chiron is currently travelling through the early degrees of Aries and is forming a square to the nodal axis. In Evolutionary astrology this represents a skipped step with Chiron-the Archetype of the Wounded Healer. Chiron is the Rainbow Bridge between Saturn-the old-and Uranus-the new. It bridges heaven and earth. Now it’s Aries where it was approx. 100 years ago.

Chiron square to the Nodal axis is highly significant.

The connection with the Spanish Flu pandemic

There is a resonance with The Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918-1920 when Chiron was in Pisces and early degrees of Aries. It entered Aries briefly on 7th April -24th October 1918- the time of the biggest deaths. It went into Aries again on 1st February 1919 until 7th July 1933.

I can’t imagine what WWI was like for the soldiers in the trenches. Their immune system was weak and the damage done to their psyches was difficult to comprehend. There was no counseling back then. Those young men were the ones who carried the Spanish Flu virus. I believe that the underlying emotion at this time is grief.

However I also believe that each one of us can raise our vibration to Grace.

Fear weakens the immune system

Fear is now spreading as the Covid-9 virus infects the world. Panic buying is prevalent. How do we best respond? Fear weakens the immune system, so loving oneself, compassion and kindness is the most beneficial response.

Deepak Chopra says that fear doesn’t speak the truth. It only speaks fear. Take back your power and use the strength of Mars in Capricorn. Mars goes into battle with fear and panic by his side! He doesn’t let them stop him.

Deepak Chopra Hope in Uncertain Times Day 4 – Releasing Fear and Anxiety with Hopefulness

An Affirmation

This affirmation can help us all connect with the Higher brain, rather than the fear based reptilian lower brain. “This is not the Truth. It is only making me afraid.” Repeat 3 times for the greatest effect any time you are feeling overwhelmed by the negative items in the news.

As Neptune travels through Pisces is ruled by the gas giant, Neptune, God of the Ocean, the Sea of Consciousness. We can float or drown in the ocean, and as every sailor knows, it has tremendous power. The floods in the Uk and the Corona Virus are symbolic in the collective of deep emotion, loss and grief.

Take heart that the light is there at the end of the tunnel.

Key Dates

Sun in Aries until 20th April when it enters Taurus.

New Moon in Aries 24th March at 4 degrees Aries at 09.28 GMT. This is the last New Moon at 4 degrees which was the degree of the Solar Eclipse on 26th December in Capricorn.

Full Moon 8th April at 18 degrees Libra. The Moon is making a difficult aspect (called an inconjunct) to Neptune. Its known as a letting go aspect.

Mercury is now in Pisces until 11th April. It moved away from its ‘shadow’ period on 13th March. Mercury is weak in Pisces, so be aware of illusions. Mercury prefers logic over emotions. It joins Neptune planet of illusion on 4th April.

Venus is now in Taurus, the sign that it rules. Watch the sky after sunset to see Venus as an Evening Star. In shamanic astrology this Moon Venus conjunction on Saturday 28th March at 24 degrees Taurus will be activating the 7th chakra. The Moon is exalted, and Venus is in its own sign. They are both next to the Pleiades which is visible in the northern hemisphere.

Mars is in the earth sign of Capricorn where it is exalted from 16th February until 30th March. Mars takes approx. 2 years to travel around the zodiac and is boosting all the earth signs- Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. It joins Saturn in Aquarius on 31st March. This is a tough day. Mars will move away from Saturn by 14th April, so the tension and fear should lessen.

Jupiter is mainly in Capricorn until 20th December. Time to climb the mountain and make progress step by step. Think how the mountain goat is so agile as it climbs up and you get the idea. It goes retrograde on 15th May until 13th September.

Saturn moved into Aquarius on 22nd March just after the Spring Equinox until 2nd July when it re-enters Capricorn up until 17th December 2020. Aquarius is the sign of community, of the brotherhood/sisterhood of man/woman. It’s a futuristic sign and ruled by the unpredictable energy of Uranus. The full impact of this shift in energy will come next year. One interpretation is the lockdown of communities. The positive is that communities are rallying around to support each other.

Uranus in Taurus is now direct until 16th August activating 5-10 degrees Taurus. Make some practical changes in your life and throw out anything that doesn’t bring you joy!

Neptune in Pisces favours all the water signs. Watch your visions and dreams, get creative and meditate. I love the meditations with Deepak Chopra as he uses simple sanskrit mantras.

Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is an outer planet and affects world events. However it becomes more personal if it connects with one of inner planets in your chart. These are the Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus and Mars. It is activated at mid-life when it makes a square to itself around the age of 38.



Healing Karmic Patterns

I am offering a special One Hour consultation to help you heal your karmic patterns and past life/ancestral story. These consultations use process cards by Chuck Spezzano to identify the gifts that lie hidden underneath your story.

past livesSPECIAL OFFER: Past Life Consultation for £70

Plus BONUS ‘Your Karmic Insight Report’ worth £15

This special Offer focuses on the South Node of the Moon- and the planets connected with it in your birth chart. The problems we have in our life are rooted in the past, and this can be a story we’ve brought in from a past lifetime, or an ancestral problem.

As a Soul Astrologer Pam can reveal it to you by focusing on the South Node of the Moon in your astrological birth chart and the meaning of the planets connected to this.

Plus she uses intuitive methods and card readings to explore these stories and their relevance to you in your life right now.

This is an ideal  time to heal our soul stories. They are unconscious and show us old ingrained habits that interfere with our soul’s purpose in this lifetime.

We can discover them as they show up in our lives as present problems that seem unsolvable.

They can also set up energetic blockages in our physical bodies that can be difficult to diagnose.

Most important are the emotions that these stories contain.

When we understand and have awareness of these soul stories we can release the emotions and leave the past behind

This very special offer is now closed.