Theme of the Month Saturn: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Ever felt like Sisyphus?

Lord of Karma

Each month we have a theme defined by the New Moon. The partial Solar Eclipse last week on July 1st focused us on Saturn- Lord of Karma as the Sun and Moon were at a right angle to this planet.

This is a month when we need to make decisions and stand firm in our commitment.

It an excellent month to weed the garden, clear out old stuff, and focus on priorities.

Saturn went retrograde in January- now its moving forward so those New Years Resolutions need dusting off and reviewed.

Saturn wants us to be mature and responsible. On 7th and 8th July the Moon passes by Saturn in Libra. These are days when we are emotionally vulnerable.

This happens every month but now the Sun in in the Moon’s sign of Cancer, we may be more open to its negative influence.

Having just watched the powerful movie 127 Hours I felt compelled to write about it. Its a story that fully illustrates the negative side of Saturn and the resulting untrue independence.

Read in full Saturn Lord of Karma in Libra- Mastering Relationships>


Black Swan-the two sides of Venus

This Week: Venus approaches Pluto

This week as we approach the first quarter Moon on Friday, Venus takes centre stage. Venus is the planet of love relationships and money.

Moving through Cancer she aspects Uranus, then Chiron, then Jupiter and finally at the weekend Pluto.

The movie Black Swan is a powerful story of the two sides of Venus. Its also a story of a descent into the Underworld.

As I’ve said before, an opposition tends to work as someone in our world acting out the Pluto. In the movie that’s Lily, the rival who plays the Black Swan.

Reclaiming power isn’t always easy. The wounded feminine can be vengeful.

Stuck in the Birth Canal- Attack on the Masculine

I have become aware of people I know who are brilliant, talented and with so much to offer. But they are stuck in moving forward.

I liken this to being stuck in the birth canal.

When I meditated on this, I recognised a deeply buried reason -that there can be a hidden attack on the masculine by refusing to give birth to our creativity!!!

We push our creations back inside us, denying the world our gifts. Revenge never works.

Are You Stuck in the Birth Canal?
Healing Your Birth Story Workshop July 9th/10th

Want to clear your past life and ancestral stories?

This workshop is unique as it works with your birth chart- the reason for your soul’s incarnation- and maps it on the floor for you to see, feel and interact with as an experience.

Magical things happen as the workshop evolves.

Jupiter will support healing both love and financial issues this weekend as the Moon will be in Scorpio with Jupiter’s full aspect.

The fee includes an Aura-Soma reading on the phone which gives insight into your Soul Purpose and past life indications AND an astrology consultation after the workshop.

The readings with the participants so far have all included Ascended Master and Angelic energy- this is no small coincidence- it shows the amazing soul gifts that people have to give.

This workshop is now over.

blessings, Pam xxx