Mercury and Venus Change Signs.

After the dramas of the last few weeks and the tension that built as Mars joined Saturn this week is a relatively easy one.
Two planets change sign this week.
Mercury moves from its home sign of Virgo into diplomatic Libra, and Venus goes into the sign of Virgo-The Goddess.
The body/mind relationship is also emphasized with Mercury and Venus in each others signs- a strong theme for the month ahead. Time for us the clean up our act. Ask Virgos for help-this is something they are really good at. Diet, bodywork and clearing stuff is all highlighted.
Mercury in Libra
Mercury can aid diplomacy in Venus’s sign of Libra. Something that is sorely needed as we are building to the Eclipse season starting in October in the Libra/Aries axis, when relationships will be under stress.
Venus in Virgo
Venus is said to be debilitated in Virgo. However I interpret her in the sign of the Goddess as bringing her gifts of healing and health to those she loves.Venus rules money, so in theory those with this placement may not be wealthy.
However sex symbols Mick Jagger and Brigitte Bardot, top billing actress Julia Roberts and the millionaire Simon Cowell, all prove its no bad thing to have Venus in Virgo.
Virgo can sort the wheat from the chaff, so methodical activities such as knitting, filing, cleaning are all promoted while she travels through this sign until 29th September. Its also a great month to do a detox or go on a juice diet.
Declutter your office/home and Venus will approve!
Transits August 31st-Sept 7th
The best day is Wednesday as the Sun in Virgo makes a positive aspect to Pluto in Capricorn.
Then by Friday Jupiter is exactly inconjunct Pluto.
Watch out for deception on Saturday as Mercury is inconjunct Neptune-God of Illusion. I strongly recommend that you put off any transactions involving communications (mobile phone contract, tablets) as you may not have all the facts, and be tempted to buy something that looks good but is more than you can afford.
31st. Starting with Moon in Scorpio, Moon joins Saturn at 20.10
1st Moon in Sagittarius 18.16
2nd Mercury enters Libra 6.37am
- First quarter Waxing Moon in Sagittarius at 12.11
3rd Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn 17.10 Embracing your true power
Moon into Capricorn 23.14
4th No major aspects
5th Jupiter inconjunct Pluto 11.23 Fire versus Earth- Letting Go of power struggles
- Venus enters Virgo 18.06
6th Moon enters Aquarius 00.58
- Mercury Libra inconjunct Neptune Pisces Letting go of illusion and fantasy, beware of being deceived.
7th No major aspects
Next Week
Mars moves into Sagittarius 13th Sept.
A Grand Fire Trine starts to form with Mars and Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries.
Confidence, faith, inspiration, vision and pioneering courage, an upsurge of revitalising energy.