Spring Equinox Full Moon in Libra

SuperMoon at the Spring Equinox

AriesTo have a full moon at the Spring Equinox is a rare event. It last happened 19 years ago.

On the day of an equinox, daytime and nighttime are of approximately equal duration all over the planet. This is the turning point in the year, as the Sun moves northwards we rise from the darkness of winter ready for the birth of a new cycle and the adventure of life in the Northern hemisphere.

Wherever Aries is in your birth chart is now receiving a major turbo boost of energy.

What is Sun in Aries activating for you? Its the first sign of the zodiac in the element of fire, so its the perfect time of the year to initiate something new. To be a pioneer.

The question is, what plans do you have to change your life? With Mercury still retrograde and close to Neptune, progress can be made after 28th March once Mercury moves forward.

This full moon is prompting us to make lasting changes as Mars in Taurus is in a favourable trine with the combined energy of Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in Capricorn. Earth signs are practical and combined with the fire energy of the Sun, we can roll our sleeves up and get things done. This will be activated again by the Sun in Taurus at the New Moon on 4th May.

Be decisive. Be bold. Be fresh. Be original. Be new.

As the card says, “The energy around you is dynamic and spontaneous. Crusading, impulsive action is likely.”

The Moon in Libra focuses us on relationships, on balance and harmony. On peace. The ruler of the Sun is Mars, the Moon is ruled by Venus. However at this full moon Venus and Mars are square to each other, so a battle is more likely. This will ease once Venus changes sign on 26th, and Mars moves into Gemini on 31st March. So, the next week is full of tension.

On a another note, it is a perfect time for healing old wounds as indicated by The Sun joining Chiron in Aries.

Mercury joins Neptune
Watch your dreams on 24th March as Mercury retrograde in Pisces joins Neptune for the second time. The first time was at the last Supermoon in Virgo on 19th February. It will pass by Neptune for the third and final time when direct on 2nd April. You may feel washed out, moody and lacking energy, especially if you are a water sign- Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

  • The Sun is in Aries from 20th March at 21.58 until 20th April at 08.55.
  • Full Moon in Libra 21st March at 01.43 GMT.
  • The next New Moon is at 15  degrees Aries on 5th April at 08.50 GMT.
  • Mercury is retrograde in Pisces from 6th March until 28th March at 13.58 GMT. Back up files, double check all communications. Keep your cool. At the full moon it joins Neptune- don’t be distracted or confused, these two planets make for dreamtime, but Mercury in Pisces is illogical. Watch out for victim stories or being misled by false promises.
  • Venus in Aquarius until 26th March, the sign of friendships and equality. It has a positive connection with Jupiter, so your social circle may open up. A benefactor could appear offering support. After 26th March, Venus moves into Pisces where it’s exalted.
  • Mars is now in Taurus until 31st March 2019.  Mars takes 2 years to move through all the signs, so this is a positive boost for all earth signs, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
  • Jupiter moved into Sagittarius on 8th November 2018 where it stays until 2nd December 2019. This is hugely beneficial for all the fire signs- Sagittarius, Aries and Leos.
  • Chiron The Archetype of The Wounded Healer has now moved into Aries for the next 8 years until 2027.
  • Uranus is now in Taurus for 7 years. This is a major ingress that will shake up the fixed signs of the zodiac. We had a glimpse of this last year between May 15th and November 6th. Uranus rules revolutions and unexpected changes that are unpredictable. It will make tense aspects to planets in Scorpio-the opposition, and squares to Leo and Aquarius. Since Uranus takes 84 years to complete one orbit most of us alive have not experienced this transit.  As Taurus rules food and farming, Veganism has become really popular in the last year.

To discover more about the sign of Aries see this page.

Please watch my YouTube video for some enlightening insights into this Libra Full Moon and feel free to share this newsletter with your friends.


Chiron is a key component of a Birth Chart analysis.

This Chiron Report can help you unlock subconscious patterns and free you to move forward on your life’s journey.

Chiron in the birth chart reveals the pain of rejection and abandonment from our parents, psychological wounds that are buried deep because we inherited them.

This Chiron report reveals the story of Chiron as well as the story of the chart.

Chiron is currently travelling through Aries for the next 7 8 years. However if you were born in the 60ties you most likely have Chiron in Pisces, the most sensitive sign for Chiron, so this report is especially meaningful for you.

The Chiron Report contains:

  • An Introduction to Chiron and its meaning
  • Doorways to Understanding – Chiron in Sign
  • Where it Began – Chiron in House
  • Conquering Dragons – Chiron Aspects
  • Conclusion

This Chiron report is written by a leading expert and author Zane B Stein.

Zane B. Stein (born 17 June 1951, Philadelphia) is an American astrologer and is known particularly for his focus on Chiron. For his work in this field, he received the Canopus Award For Excellence in 1998. Stein was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. and began studying astrology in 1969. When the minor planet, 2060 Chiron was discovered in 1977, he formed The Association for Studying Chiron which published and distributed information about Chiron.

Stein wrote the first article about Chiron, “Chiron: What Does It Mean To You?”, which appeared in the January 1981 issue of Dell Horoscope magagazine, which was reprinted in their October 1984 issue as a “Notable Reprint”. In 1983, he published the first Chiron reference, “Interpreting Chiron”, which he included two years later in his book, Essence and Application: A View From Chiron.

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